Research - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 5

Field assessment of commercial wheat varieties, advanced lines and trap nurseries against yellow rust in South East Ethiopia

G.M. Abebele1*, A.A. Zerihun1, T.N. Gure1, D.K. Habtemariam1, L.T. Hadis1 and F.Y. Belayineh2
*Correspondence: G.M. Abebele, Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Assela, Ethiopia, Email:

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Wheat rusts caused by Puccinia spp. is economically significant foliar syndrome in the main wheat-growing areas of Ethiopia. Safeguard of wheat from rust diseases has very exceptional worth to be profitable and reduce hunger. Screening of wheat genotypes against rust and monitoring of race development and monitoring of variability in wheat rust pathogens by international trap nurseries is vital to mitigate rust impact. In this experiment, resistance to wheat yellow rusts of 119 wheat germplasm comprising varieties, advanced lines along with 19 international yellow rust trap rust nurseries were studied under natural infection in 2018-2019 years in different geographic zones of Ethiopia. The information of this finding revealed that majority of the test cultivars displayed susceptible reaction to the prevalent yellow rust races. However, few cultivars and candidate lines exhibited lower diseases severities. Among the differentials, Yr5+, Yr10 and Yr15 are still effective to the prevalent yellow rust races. Thus, those candidate wheat genotypes tested in this experiment and showed lower diseases severities will contribute a significant role to wheat breeding program in diversification and development of cultivars with durable or long lasting resistance.


Bread, durum, genotype, septoria tritici blotch, wheat.


Wheat is one of the world’s most important staple grains and is the leading source of calories and plant-derived protein in human food (Curtis et al., 2002), with an annual global production of 772.6 million tons (Statista, 2021). A latest valuation of wheat production by the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations shows that current wheat quantity is ample for global demand ( food situation/csdb/en/). Nevertheless, future production must increase as the global population is growing fast, projected to exceed nine billion people by 2050 (Edmeades et al., 2010).

In Ethiopia, the annual wheat production is around 5.8 million tons with mean productivity of 3 tons per hectare (tha−1) (CSA 2021), which is quite lower than the realizable harvest of the yield, attainment up to 5 tha−1 (Zegeye et al. 2020). Wheat accounts for about 17% of total grain production in Ethiopia making it the third principal cereal crop after teff (Eragrostis tef (Zucc.) Trotter] and maize (Zea mays L.) (CSA 2021). In general, the agricultural, production growth shows oscillating trends compared to population growth (Wuletaw Mekuria, 2018).

Thus, there should be a serious necessity to produce highly productive crops like wheat to feed the world population soon (Weigand, 2011). Despite, the rapid increment of wheat in area coverage and grain yield, about 15-20% yield losses per annum are recorded due to fungal diseases of which rusts come first (Melania et al. 2018).

Wheat rust pathogens are the key constraints of global wheat production since the domestication of the crop and continue to threaten the world’s wheat supply (Roelfs et al., 1992). It is expected that universal yearly losses to wheat rust pathogens array between US$ 4.3 to 5.0 billion (P. Pardey, University of Minnesota, unpublished); even escalate up to 5.5 million tons per year at worldwide level due to yellow rust alone (Beddow et al. 2015). While in Ethiopia, the recurrent rust outbreaks lead to substantial economic losses, which are estimated to be of the order of 10s of millions of US-D annually (Meyer, et al. 2021).

During the past decades the epidemic of wheat rust and associated losses was more sever causing global concern to wheat production. To tackle the issue, breeding of new varieties and their implementation is economically and ecologically reasonable method for control rust diseases. However, the continuous evolution of new pathotypes which is exacerbated by climatic stress, especially in rainfed areas and airborne nature pose a serious threat to wheat production worldwide.

Trap nursery consists of isolines with confrontation genes, genetic stocks for additional Yr, Sr and Lr genes, selected differentials, wheat diversities resonant blends of key resistance genes, and main commercial varieties presently cultivated in diverse regions. Rusts trap nurseries are targeted for wheat growing areas and are planted at sites anywhere rusts is identified to occur naturally every year with the objective to collect information on virulence and race formation of rusts, behavior of resistant and susceptible varieties, tested under different environmental conditions. Thus, the nurseries are very imperative for Ethiopia, where all three rusts are accessible essentially everywhere where cereals are grown.

Materials and Methods

Description of the study areas

The experiment was executed at three yellow rust hotspot locations viz; Meraro and Bekoji (research stations) and Kulumsa (main research center) of Arsi Zone South eastern Ethiopia. Meraro substation is situated at 07°24'27''N, 39°14'56''E and 2990 m.a.s.l. Its regular annual rainfall is 1196 mm signifying extreme highland and frost prone agro ecology. The lowest and supreme hotness is 5.7 and 18.1°C, respectively. Bekoji location is found at latitude 07°32’37’’ N and longitude 39°15’ 21’’ E with an altitude of 2780 meter above sea level. The maximum and minimum temperature was 3.8 and 20.4°C respectively with annual rain fall 939 mm. Kulumsa research center is located at 08°01'10''N, 39°09'11''E and at 2200 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l). The site gets mean yearly rainfall of 820 mm representing highland and high rainfall agro ecology. The regular mean least and supreme hotness is 10.5 and 22.8°C, respectively. The sites foremost soil type is loam type, which is fertile (Birhan Abdulkadir, 2011).

Planting materials

A set of 119 bread and durum wheat genotypes comprising commercial cultivars, advanced breeding lines and differentials lines obtained from Ethiopian national bread wheat breeding program were studied under natural infection in 2018-2019 years in at three different locations of Ethiopia.

Field layout and diseases assessment

To assess the intensity of slow rusting of wheat genotypes in the field, test materials and checks were arranged in augmented design. The entries were established in plots comprising of paired rows of 1 m long with spacing of 0.2 m intra row, 1 m between blocks and 0.5 m between plots. Plots were seeded in 150 kg ha-1 DAP and urea fertilizers were applied based on the recommended rate to the area. Weeds were managed by hand weeding. Disease severity notes were taken by estimating the approximate percentage of leaf area affected using modified Cobb scale (Petrson et al., 1948). Data recording was started from the first appearance of yellow rust on the susceptible check and continued every 14 days from all plants until the early dough stage (Large, 1954). Scorings of disease severity and response were noted together with severity first followed by infection type. The host response is as: TR=trace severity of resistant type infection; 10R-MR=10% severity of resistant to moderately resistant infection type; 20MR=20% severity of a moderately resistance infection type; 30MR-MS=30% severity of a moderately resistance to moderately susceptible; 40MS=40% severity of a moderately susceptible; 50MS-S=50% severity of a moderately susceptible to susceptible; and 70S=70% severity of susceptible infection types. The data acquired from disease severities and host reactions were combined to compute coefficient of infection (ACI) (Ali et al. 2007).

Results and Discussion

Among the three locations, Meraro is characterized as too cold, high altitude and low temperature makes more conducive to occurrences of yellow rust compared with two locations; Bekoji and Kulumsa. In 2019 yellow rust developed more vigorously than 2018 since the crop season was more favorable. 2018 crop season was manifest by arid conditions along all the three locations and yellow rust developed very weakly than in 2019.

In 2018 a total of 115 wheat genotypes were evaluated of which 47.8%, 73.9% and 68.7% of tested entries had lower or, ≤ 20 average coefficient of infections were recorded at Meraro, Bekoji and Kulumsa respectively; indicating that maximum diseases pressure was avail at Meraro. The growing year was a little bit arid as compared with 2019; thus many of the tested wheat genotypes have disease severity of 0 to 80S while on universal susceptible check “Morocco” scored 90S (Tables 1 and 2) (Fig. 1). Most of mega and popular bread wheat cultivars which covered majority of wheat growing areas in research area like (Ogolcho, Kubsa, Hidassie, Dandaa’ Kingbird and Digalu) showed susceptible reaction near to similar severity levels to the universally susceptible check and local susceptible check Morocco and PBW343 respectively.

S.No Genotypes 2018 2019
Meraro Bekoji Kulumsa Meraro Bekoji Kulumsa
1 Laketch 60S 60 60S 60 80S 80 90S 90 80S 80 80S 80
2 Kenya Nyangumi 10MS 8 10MS 8 5MR 2 30MS 24 30S 30 TMR 0.8
3 Kenya Leopard 10MR 4 5MR 2 5MR 2 20MS 16 50S 50 10MR 4
4 Africa Mayo 30MS 24 5MR 2 TR 0.4 15MR 6 10S 10 5MR 2
5 Trophy 20MS 16 10MS 8 10MS 8 40MS 32 70S 70 10MR 4
6 Bounty - - - - - - 40S 40 50S 50 10MS 8
7 Bonny 10MR 4 5MR 2 0 0 20MS 16 40S 40 TMR 0.8
8 Frontach 30MS 24 20MS 16 30MS 24 60S 60 50S 50 40S 40
9 Kenya Kudu 40MSS 36 20S 20 40S 40 60S 60 60S 60 50S 50
10 Enkoy 10MR 4 TMR 0.8 TMS 1.6 70S 70 70S 70 60S 60
11 K6290 Bulk 40S 40 40S 40 20MS 16 70S 70 80S 80 70S 70
12 K6295-4A 40S 40 40S 40 50S 50 80S 80 60S 60 60S 60
13 ET13A2 40S 40 20S 20 40S 40 70S 70 60S 60 50S 50
14 Pavon 76 40S 40 30S 30 40S 40 30S 30 40S 40 30S 30
15 Dashen 5MR 2 0 0 15S 15 15MR 6 10MS 8 TMS 1.6
16 Mitike 70S 70 20S 20 40S 40 70S 70 60S 60 50S 50
17 Galema 30S 30 5MR 2 10MR 4 40S 40 40S 40 30MS/S 24
18 Kubsa 60S 60 50S 50 60S 60 80S 80 80S 80 80S 80
19 Abola 50S 50 30S 30 50S 50 80S 80 80S 80 80S 80
20 ETBW6809 5MR 2 0 0 TMR 0.8 20MR 8 10MS 8 TMR 0.8
21 Tusie 40S 40 30S 30 10MR 4 20MS 16 20S 20 15MS 12
22 Katar 60S 60 10MR 4 60S 60 40S 40 70S 70 50S 50
23 Shina 20MS 16 30S 30 20MR 16 TMR 0.8 5MSMR 4.5 TMS 1.6
24 Tura 20MS 16 5MR 2 10MR 4 30MSS 27 60S 60 40S 40
25 Hawi 40S 40 10MR 4 30S 30 80S 80 80S 80 70S 70
26 Madda Walabu 30S 30 20MS 16 30MS 30 80S 80 80S 80 80S 80
27 Simba 20S 20 10MR 4 40S 40 10MR 4 TMS 1.6 5MR 2
28 Sofumar 80S 80 60S 60 70S 70 90S 90 80S 80 80S 80
29 Wetera 40S 40 40S 40 5MR 2 TMS 1.6 10MS 8 0 0
30 Dodota 40S 40 20MS 16 5MS 4 90S 90 0 8 30S 30
31 Dure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 TMR 0.8
32 KBG-01 80S 80 30S 30 30MS 24 90S 90 85S 85 60S 60
33 Sirbo 30S 30 40S 40 20S 20 20MS 16 20S 20 30SMS 27
34 Bobicho 50S 50 30S 30 50S 50 40S 40 50S 50 60S 60
35 Tossa 50S 50 30S 30 20MS 16 90S 90 80S 80 60S 60
36 Meraro 30S 30 5MR 2 10MR 4 40S 40 40S 40 10MS 8
37 Senkegna 10MSS 9 10MR 4 0 0 10MR 4 10MR 4 0 0
38 Tay 10MR 4 0 0 0 0 TMR 0.8 TS 0.2 0 0
39 Sulla 80S 80 50S 50 60S 60 80S 80 80S 80 80S 80
40 Alidoro 30MSS 27 5MR 2 10MSMR 6 40MSS 36 40S 40 20SMS 18
41 Millennium 10MSS 9 0 0 10S 10 80S 80 TMS 1.6 TMR 0.8
42 Dinknesh 5MR 2 0 0 TS 2 10MR 4 0 0 0 0
43 Menze 60S 60 30S 30 50S 50 80S 80 60S 60 60S 60
44 Kulkulu 80S 80 30S 30 50S 50 90S 90 70S 70 80S 80
45 Bolo 50S 50 10MR 4 50S 50 90S 90 60S 60 60S 60
46 Danda'a 20MS 20 5MR 2 20MS 16 60S 60 60S 60 20MS 16
47 Kakaba 40S 40 20MS 16 10MR 4 70S 70 60S 60 40S 40
48 Hoggana 40S 40 20MS 16 40S 40 50S 50 60S 60 10MR 4
49 Shorima 30MSS 27 0 0 5MSMR 3 60S 60 40S 40 10MR 4
50 Huluka 30MSS 27 10MR 4 20MS 16 70S 70 40S 40 10MR 4
51 Gambo 30MSS 27 TR 0.4 20MS 16 60S 60 50S 50 30S 30
52 Galil 10MS 8 0 0 20MS 16 50S 50 50S 50 50S 50
53 Jafersson 20MSS 18 10MS 8 10S 10 60S 60 40S 40 30S 30
54 Tsehay 5MR 2 TMR 0.8 5MR 2 60S 60 20MR 8 TMR 0.8
55 Arendeto 10MS 8 10MR 4 0 0 TMR 0.8 TMS 1.6 15MR 6
56 Hitossa 2MR 0.8 0 0 0 0 TMR 0.8 0 0 TMS 1.6
57 Werer 5MR 2 0 0 TMR 0.4 TMR 0.8 TMS 1.6 5MS 4
58 Denbi 0 0 0 0 TS 2 TMR 0.8 TMS 1.6 TMR 0.8
59 Selam 30MSS 27 10MR 4 5MR 2 60S 60 40S 40 10MS 8
60 Megenagna 10MR 4 10MR 4 5MR 2 40S 40 20MS 16 10MR 4
61 Mettaya 0 0 TR 0.4 0 0 TMR 0.8 TMR 0.8 TMR 0.8
62 Ejersaa 2MR 0.8 5MR 2 TMS 1.6 TMR 0.8 TMR 0.8 0 0
63 Flakit 0 0 TMR 0.4 5MR 2 40S 40 TS 2 60S 60
64 Malefia 50S 50 50S 50 30S 30 20MR 16 20MS 16 80S 80
65 Mossobo 30MSS 27 10MR 4 5MSMR 3 40S 40 20S 20 60S 60
66 Toltu 2R 0.4 0 0 TMR 0.8 20MR 16 0 0 20MS 16
67 Obssa 0 0 0 0 TMR 0.8 20MR 16 0 0 40S 40
68 Lellisso 30MSS 27 TMR 0.4 5MS 4 50S 50 60S 60 10MR 4
69 Tate 2R 0.4 TMR 0.4 5S 5 40S 40 0 0 10MR 4
70 Bakalcha 20MS 16 TMR 0.4 5MR 2 50S 50 10MS 8 10MR 4
71 Oda 20MS 16 5MR 2 10MR 4 40S 40 10MS 8 30S 30
72 Kokate 10MR 4 10MR 4 5MR 2 60S 60 50S 50 50S 50
73 Local Red 50S 50 TMR 0.4 20S 20 40S 40 10MS 8 TMR 0.8
74 HAR 727 2R 0.4 TMR 0.4 0 0 0 0 TMS 1.6 15MR 6
75 HAR 723 40MSS 36 40S 40 40S 40 60S 60 80S 80 TMS 1.6
76 HAR 934 2R 0.4 0 0 5S 5 10MR 4 TMS 1.6 5MS 4
77 HAR 1018 10MR 4 0 0 TMS 1.6 20MR 8 5MS 4 TMR 1.6
78 HAR 820 10MR 4 10MR 4 0 0 30MSS 27 30S 30 10MS 8
79 HAR 1407 5MR 2 0 0 TMR 0.8 20MR 8 10MS 8 10MR 4
80 HAR 1331 10MR 4 20MS 16 5MR 2 40S 40 60S 60 10MR 4
81 HAR 719 30MS 24 30S 30 20MR 16 90S 90 70S 70 25S 25
82 Hidassie 20MS 16 20MS 16 5S 5 60S 60 40S 40 20MR 8
83 Ogolcho 30MS 24 10MR 4 5MR 2 70S 70 40S 40 10MR 4
84 ETBW5800 30MS 24 5MR 2 TMS 1.6 50S 50 30S 30 TMR 1.6
85 ETBW5879 10MR 4 TMS 1.6 5MR 2 70S 70 40S 40 10MR 4
86 ETBW5890 5MR 2 0 0 0 0 60S 60 40S 40 TMR 1.6
87 ETBW6093 50S 50 30S 30 40S 40 90S 90 70S 70 40S 40
88 ETBW6094 60S 60 20S 20 50S 50 90S 90 70S 70 50S 50
89 ETBW6098 80S 80 40S 40 40S 40 90S 90 70S 70 60S 60
90 Kingbird 30MS 24 30S 30 15MSMR 9 70S 70 60S 60 20S 20
91 Mandoyu 2R 0.4 TMR 0.8 5MS 4 30MSS 27 40S 40 5MR 0.8
92 Sanate 2R 0.4 0 0 TMS 1.6 TMS 1.6 0 0 TMR 0.8
93 Gassay 10MR 4 0 0 0 0 20MS 16 40S 40 10MR 4
94 ETBW6647* 60S 60 20S 20 40S 40 90S 90 70S 70 40S 40
95 ETBW6496* 20MR 8 0 0 5MS 4 90S 90 70S 70 50S 50
96 ETBW6696* 10MR 4 0 0 5S 5 30MSS 27 40S 40 5MR 2
97 ETBW7698* 10MR 4 0 0 0 0 20MR 8 30S 30 TMR 1.6
98 ETBW6939* 40MSS 36 5MR 2 5S 5 80S 80 60S 60 50S 50
99 ETBW7255* 50S 50 10MR 4 40S 40 70S 70 70S 70 40S 40
100 ETBW6861* Lemu 10MR 4 TMS 1.6 10MS 8 60S 60 50S 50 10MR 4
101 ICARDA ELITE 107 20MSMR 12 TMR 0.8 5S 5 70S 70 50S 50 10MR 4
102 AGUILAL/3/PYN 40MSS 36 TMR 0.4 5MS 4 60S 60 50S 50 10MR 4
103 Israel 25MS 20 40S 40 30MS 24 90S 90 80S 80 40S 40
104 Bonde 40MSS 36 30S 30 50S 50 90S 90 80S 80 50S 50
105 Kvz/7c 40MSS 36 40S 40 40S 40 90S 90 70S 70 60S 60
106 FH4-2-11 0 0 10S 10 5MR 2 TMR 0.8 5MS 4 10S 10
107 Cocorit 71 30MSS 27 TR 0.8 20MS 16 60S 60 50S 50 10MR 4
108 Gerado 50S 50 10MS 8 10S 10 70S 70 50S 50 5MR 2
109 LD 357 30MSS 27 40S 40 30S 30 90S 90 60S 60 10MR 4
110 Bichena 10MR 4 5MR 2 5MR 2 80S 80 50S 50 10MR 4
111 ETBW6130 WANE 10MR 4 0 0 TMR 0.8 40S 40 30S 30 TR 0.4
112 ETBW6861 LEMU 5MR 2 TR 0.4 10MS 8 70S 70 40S 40 20MR 8
113 Munal 40S 40 30S 30 40S 40 90S 90 80S 80 50S 50
114 Dereselign 60S 60 30S 30 30S 30 90S 90 80S 80 70S 70
115 Batu 30MS 24 20S 20 30S 30 30MSS 27 40S 40 30S 30
116 Digalu             90S 90 30S 30 60S 60
117 Kingbird             70S 70 40S 40 20MR 8
118 Wane             50S 50 10S 10 10MS 8
119 Daka             50S 50 20MS 16 15MS 12
120 Morocco 60S 60 90S 90 90S 90 90S 90 70S 70 90S 90
121 PBW343 50S 50 50S 50 50S 50 70S 70 40S 40 50S 50

Table 1. The response of wheat genotypes for yellow rust at three locations Meraro, Bekoji and Kulumsa in 2018 and 2019.

S.No Variety/line YR gene 2018 2019
Met-aro Bekoji Kuhtrasa Meraro Bekoji Kuhitnsa
1 YR1/6* Avocet S YR1 20S 20 20S 20 5MR 3 30s 30 30s 30 20s 20
2 YR5/6* AOC CX86.6.120 YR5 50S 50 40S 40 40S 40 70s 70 80s 80 80S 80
3 YR6/6* AOC CX94.2.2.25 YR6 60S 60 60S 60 90S 90 90s 90 100S 100 80S 80
4 YR7/6* Avocet S YR7   0 0 0 0 0 90s 90 100S 100 70S 70
5 YR8/6* Avocet S YR8 40S 40 60S 60 60S 60 30s 30 30S 30 10S 10
6 YR9/6* Avocet S YR9 50S 50 50S 50 60S 60 90s 90 100S 100 50S 50
7 YR10/6* Avocet S YR10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 YR15/6* Avocet S YR15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 YR17/3* AOC CX94.8.1.25 YR17 60S 60 60S 60 60S 60 90s 90 100S 100 80S 80
10 YR18/3* AOC CX94.10.1.7 YR18 60S 60 60S 60 90S 90 90s 90 100S 100 70S 70
11 YR26/3* AOC CX96.17.1. YR26 40S 40 40S 40 10MS 8 80s 80 80S 80 60S 60
12 YRSP/6* AOC CX94.14.1.1 YRSP 40S 40 50S 50 30S 30 90s 90 70S 70 10MR 6
13 YR27/3* AOC CX94.19.1.1 YR27 50S 50 50S 50 20S 20 90s 90 100S 100 70S 70
14 AVOCET R R 60S 60 60S 60 80S 80 60s 60 80S 80 6OS 60
15 AVOCETS S 10S 10 TR 0.2 0 0 0 0 30S 30 0 0
15 Lassik (-Yr5) Lassik (-Yr5) 30S 30 TMR 0.4 0 0 60s 60 40S 40 10MR 6
17 Lassik (+Yr5) Lassik (+Yr5) TR 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  
18 Yr morocco Yr morocco 90S 90 90S 90 100S 100 100s 100 NA 100 90S 90
19 Morocco Morocco 90S 90 80S 80 80S 80 100s 100 NA 100 90S 90
20 Kubsa local check Kubsa 80S 80 60S 60 50S 50 90s 90 100S 100 80S 80

Table 2. The variety/line of gene for yellow rust at three locations Meraro, Bekoji and Kulumsa in 2018 and 2019.


Fig 1: Response of commercial and candidate wheat genotypes to yellow rust at Meraro, Bekoji and Kulumsa in 2018 and 2019 cropping seasons.

Similarly, wheat varieties like Pavon 76, Mitike, Galema, Abola, Tusie, Katar, Shina, Hawi, Tura, Madawalau, Simba, Sofumar,Tossa, Senkegna, Meraro and Tsehay displayed susceptible reaction with average coffient of infection exceeding 20 at Meraro, Bekoji and Kulumsa in both cropping seasons. On contrary, the formerly most popular variety” Dashen” which carries Yr9 gene exhibited low yellow rust severity. This might be due to the elimination of the race virulent to Yr9 gene.

On the other hand, among the candidate lines viz ETBW5800, ETBW5879, ETBW5890, ETBW6093, ETBW6094, ETBW6098, ETBW6647, ETBW6496, ETBW6696, ETBW7698, ETBW6939 and ETBW7255 only ETBW5879, ETBW5890, ETBW6696 and ETBW7698 showed ACI below 20 across all the three locations. However, in 2019 none of them displayed lower ACI especially at hotspots; Meraro and Bekoji.

Data on trap nurseries over two years indicated that several known resistance genes Yr6, Yr7, Yr8, and Yr18 have limited utility as host lines carrying them displayed susceptibility in both years. The varieties Kubsa(Yr27+), Medawlabu, Hoggana, Millinium and Meraro that carried Yr17 shown disease severities from trace MS under relatively hot weather(Kulumsa) to 80S at highland hot spot(Meraro and Bekoji) conditions. Broadly speaking, cultivars and candidate lines that are not consisting Yr5+,Yr10 and Yr15 showed highly susceptible reaction where epidemics is more sever on highlands. The assessments information revealed that, genes Yr5, Yr6, Yr7, Yr9, Yr17, Yr18, Yr26 and Yr27 were heavily injured over time and space. Moreover, even if the degree of virulence varies, majority of the genes under diffentials broken by the prevalent yellow rust races at all locations

The two most popular cultivars Kubsa which carried Yr27 but affected by yellow rust race PStS6 and Ogolcho affected by a race PStS16 remained ineffective even under warm weather conditions. Over all, wheat yellow rust resistant genes of Yr5+, Yr10 and Yr15 are still persisted effective and could have a significant contribution in the development of new wheat varieties under breeding program in Ethiopia.


The information of this finding revealed that majority of the test cultivars displayed susceptible reaction to the prevalent yellow rust races. However, few cultivars and candidate lines exhibited lower diseases severities. Among the differentials, Yr5+, Yr10 and Yr15 are still effective to the prevalent yellow rust races. Thus, those candidate wheat genotypes tested in this experiment and showed lower diseases severities will contribute a significant role to wheat breeding program in diversification and development of cultivars with durable or long lasting resistance.


This study was funded by Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research.

Conflict of Interest

The author declares no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the study design; data collection analysis or interpretation; in writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the result.


The author acknowledges Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research; Kulumsa agricultural research center for financial support and facilities required to the study. The author is also indebted to the staff of Kulumsa agricultural research center pathology team for their unreserved support in conducting the experiment.


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Author Info

G.M. Abebele1*, A.A. Zerihun1, T.N. Gure1, D.K. Habtemariam1, L.T. Hadis1 and F.Y. Belayineh2
1Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Kulumsa Agricultural Research Center, Assela, Ethiopia
2Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Citation: Abebele, G.M., Zerihun, A.A., Gure, T.N., Habtemariam, D.K., Hadis, L.T., Belayineh, F.Y. (2022). Field assessment of commercial wheat varieties, advanced lines and trap nurseries against yellow rust in South East Ethiopia. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 12:40-46.

Received: 13-May-2022, Manuscript No. UJE-22-63857; , Pre QC No. P-63857; Editor assigned: 16-May-2022, Pre QC No. P-63857; Reviewed: 27-May-2022, QC No. Q-63857; Revised: 02-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. R-63857; Published: 09-Jun-2022, DOI: 10.15421/2022_373

Copyright: This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.