Research - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 6

Assessment of constraints, opportunities and farmers perception to area closure in siltie zone, SNNPR

H. Abdo* and D. Muluye
*Correspondence: H. Abdo, South Agricultural Research Institute, Worabe Agricultural Research Center, Worabe, Ethiopia, Email: ,

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The environmental and socioeconomic effects of land resources degradation are severe, especially in developing nations including our country Ethiopia, where inappropriate land use and farming systems are practiced. Consequently, management options like enclosures are among rehabilitation strategies practiced in the degraded areas of Ethiopia including the study area. This study was carried out in Silte zone, specifically within Hulbareg and Silti woreda from Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region in Ethiopian. The objective of the study was to assess Assessment of Constraints, Opportunities and Farmers Perception to Area closure. Multi stage sampling technic were used first the zones and woreda was selected purposively based on availability of enclosure, second two kebele from each woreda was selected using systematic random sampling and respondents were selected randomly and a total of 80 sample respondents were selected from the two districts for the household survey. Both primary and secondary sources were used for data collection by using semi-structured questionnaires, direct observation, focus group discussions and key informant interviews. SPSS software was used to analysis the data by using descriptive statistics. The study results indicate soil and water conservation was the major mechanisms to rehabilitate the degraded. And more than half of the respondents said the type of enclosure exist were exclude from human and livestock interference, Soil erosion, deforestation and lack of fodder were major land degradation types in the area. The most common causes of land degradation were flooding topography deforestation, overgrazing, and poor land management and population growth. And 53.8% of the respondents perceived enclosures positively and optimistic to the performance of enclosures. Besides more than half of the respondents were assured that the benefit sharing have been satisfied the community. Enclosure improves the livelihood of the local community by providing animal feed, fodder, beekeeping activity and other non-wood forest products. But more than half the respondents were not getting training and experience sharing this indicates the community should be supported by training and experience sharing to increase the awareness of farmers to the importance and functions of enclosure.


Enclosure, Land degradation, Perception, Rehabilitation, Hulbarge and silti districts.


Land degradation includes all process that diminishes the capacity of land resources to perform essential functions and services in ecosystems (Hurni et al.,2010). It is caused by two interlocking complex systems: the natural ecosystem and the human social system.Land use land cover changes, mainly agricultural expansion in response to the demands of population growth, has caused accelerated erosion and loss of biodiversity in Ethiopia (Hadgu et al.,2008). Consequently, it has significantly declined agricultural production with an estimated cost ranging from 2 to 6.75% of the AGDP per annum (Sonneveld, 2002). The impact of water erosion on food production in Ethiopia in response to the alarmingly degraded ecosystems, the practice of rehabilitation of degraded ecosystems is becoming an option to reclaim degraded sites globally (Young, 2000).

In Ethiopia, the trend of rehabilitation made in different watersheds has improved ecosystem health and land productivity (Sonneveld and Keyzer, 2003). They are degraded lands that have been excluded from human and livestock interference and left to regenerate naturally (Betru, 2003). Enclosures improve ecosystem conditions and enhance the provisioning services of ecosystem services that can improve the food access and economic wellbeing of the rural poor (FAO, 2001). Although land resources management strategy through enclosures is becoming a common trend in Ethiopia, especially in the highlands, researches documents that evaluate local community’ perception on socioeconomic and environmental contributions is lacking in the study area.

Assessment evaluation is a pre-requisite for the actual implementation of the rehabilitation strategy. This evoked the researcher to choose the issue as a research title so that the level of farmers’ perception was assessed and documented. The research findings will have significances for stakeholders by providing concrete scientific evidences about the local communities’ perception of land management practices and become a basis for future studies in the field area. So the objective of this study was to identify the purpose and benefits derived from the area closure, to assess the perception of local community of area closure and finally to identify the constraints and opportunities of area closure in Siltie zone, SNNPR and Ethiopia.


Description of the study area

This research study was conducted in Siltie zone. The zone town is worabe which is found 169.91 km far from capital city of the country. From this zone Silti and Hulbareg wereda were selected. Silti woreda is bordered on south by Lanfro and Dalocha, southwest by Hulbareg, west by Alicho Werero, north by the Gurage Zone and east by the Oromia Region. In this woreda the total population is about 207,152 (101,460 male and 105,695 female) of which 191,765 rural and 19,211 are urban residents. The total area of the woreda is about 53,112 ha of which, 25,635 ha has Annual cultivated land, 11,221 ha perennial, 6,365 ha grazing land, forest and 6,904 ha bush land.

The woreda agro-ecology has totally w/Dega (77% moist W/Dega, 23% dry woina dega). The soil type has 73% clay loam, 27% silt soil. Majority of farming system practiced is mixed farming. Major annual crops are wheat, teff, maize and major perennial crops are enset and chat. The woreda receives 1,012 mm average rainfall annually. In this woreda the size of Area closed by community is about 13,500 ha it was from 2001. Presently 10 kebeles are exercising area enclosure activity. In this woreda have 157,304 cattle, 111,636 small ruminant and 32,636 equines animal resources.

Second Hulbareg woreda which is border on southwest by Hadiya Zone, west by Misraq Azernet, north by Alicho, northeast by Silti, east by Dalocha, and south by Sankurra woreda. The distance 188 km far from capital city of Ethiopia, from regional city 215 km, from zone town 15 km. Number of urban kebeles are 1 and rural 10, the total populations are 81,905, from those populations 37,732 Male 40,816 female. The total size of area closed by the community was around 14,200 ha. Totally 10 number of kebeles were experiencing area closure. In this woreda experience by area closure was 14 years which starting from 2007. The area gaining average annual rain fall was 1012 mm. and 73% of the soil type were clay loam, 27% silt soil. More than half of the area farming system was mixed farming. The traditional agro-ecology was totally woina dega (moist woina dega 77%, dry woina dega 23%). And latitude: 7°54'59.99" N and Longitude: 38°19'60.00" E. Annual cultivated land 13,500 ha, perennial land 3,840 ha, grazing land 2,943 ha. Major annual crops were wheat, teff, maize and major perennial crops Enset and Chat.

Sampling size and procedure

Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select sample districts and respondents. In the first stage, two districts were selected purposively from Siltie zone based on enclosure practices. In the second stage, from each district two kebeles were selected randomly. In the third stage, the sample respondents were selected by using systematic random sampling technique proportion to each kebele population. Finally, a total of 80 sample respondents were selected from the two districts for the household survey.

Data types and source

Both qualitative and quantitative data were collected from primary and secondary data sources. The primary data was collected directly from sampled households. Secondary data sources used for this study were journals, relevant text books, district agricultural and development office reports.

Methods of data collection

Different methods of data collection tools were used to acquire primary data. Among the data collection tools key informant interviews and focus group discussions with pre-defined social groups (elders, model farmers, women’s, Das and experts) were conducted before formal survey to collect general information about enclosure. A checklist was also used to guide the discussion. The required households’ data were collected from selected sample households with the help of pre-tested structured and semi-structured questionnaires.

Method of data analysis

Descriptive statistics data analysis methods were applied to analyze the data collected from smallholder respondents using structured questionnaire. The analysis was done by using SPSS version 25.

Results and Discussion

Demographic and socioeconomic characteristic of respondents

This study show that around 76% of the household was male headed and the rest 24% was female headed. The average age of sampled household was 41.29 whereas the mean education level of the household was 3.29 grades. About 98.8% of the respondent was married and only 1.2% was single. The average family size per household was 6.21. The average landholding by sampled household was 1.15 ha while the mean livestock holding per household was 2.25 TLU. Farming system of study area was commonly mixed type where farmers’ livelihood was based on both crop cultivation and livestock rearing. As indicated in Table 1, about 58.7% of the respondents’ livelihood was depending on crop cultivation and livestock rearing. There were very little additional sources of income rather than agricultural activities, off farm activities (2.5%) and non-farm activities (2.5%).

Variables Minimum Maximum Mean Std.
Age 21 5 41.29 12.18
Education level 0 2 3.29 3.4
Size of the HH 1 6 6.21 2.25
Farming experience 2 50 19.8 11.2
Landholding in ha 0.25 7 1.15 0.925
TLU 0.00 14.02 2.25 1.14
Variable   Frequency (n = 80) Percent
Sex Male 61 76.2
Female 19 23.8
Marital status Single 1 1.3
Married 79 98.8
Major livelihood source Crop production 28 35
Animal rearing 1 1.3
Mixed 47 58.7
Off-farming 2 2.5
Non-farming 2 2.5

Table 1. Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics of respondents.

Degraded land rehabilitation mechanisms and purpose of enclosure

The result in Table 2, shows that the communities have used different mechanisms to rehabilitate the degraded land. From that type of rehabilitation mechanism soil and water conservation was the major practiced which account 45% of the respondents. Enclosures were mostly rehabilitating mechanism to the community next to SWC. And according to respondents the area close for different purpose and the major purpose were to rehabilitates the degraded land which account 52.5% of respondents and the other purpose of enclosure within the communities were to cut and carrying of grass and to prevent overgrazing, for job creation like fattening, beekeeping, planting of grass or forage and tree planting from enclosed area, to control soil erosion and flooding, to improve climate condition, to improve species diversity, to improve soil quality and the remained one was said to improve ecosystem productivity, to apiculture activity, to animal fattening.

Variables   Frequency Percent
Purpose of enclosure To improve species diversity 4 5
To rehabilitation of degraded land 42 52.5
To improve soil quality 5 6.3
To improve ecosystem productivity 3 3.8
To apiculture activity 1 1.3
Occurrence of degraded land Other 25 31.25
Yes 79 98.7
No 1 1.3
Enclosed degraded land No
Yes 79 98.7
Mechanisms for rehabilitation of degraded land Soil and water conservation 57 45
enclosure 12 10
Tree planting 4 5
Reduced agricultural expansion 3 2.5
combination one with the other 4 5

Table 2. Mechanisms for rehabilitation and its purpose of enclosure.

Type of enclosures in the study areas

There are different kinds of area closure exist within the study area and its shows that 51.3% which was more than half of the respondents said the type of enclosure exist were exclude from human and livestock interference and the other type of enclosure was closing off degraded land and simultaneously implementing additional SWC measure which account 18.8% from the respondents. 41.3% of the respondents responded that the number of year closed the degraded land exclude from human and livestock interference for long period of time, 31.2% were said from 5-10 years, 12.5% and 15% were from 1-3 and 3-5 years respectively. The result show that the rehabilitation time of one degraded land is different from another means one is fast to rehabilitate other slow based on the severity of degradation. This might indicate that the existence of variations in species diversity within different age categories of area closures was a result of heterogeneous distribution of species due to time factors. The higher evenness was encountered in the 25-year-old closure, which could partly be explained by difference in site condition (Ambachew, 2006). And also the result show that major respondents said that terracing and tree plantation and grass over sowing were the possible activity often undertaking within area closure, this show it is possible to do different activity within enclosure site simultaneously doing rehabilitation processes. Within the study area different kinds of project were support to the community in area closure activity. Benefit of the projects were by providing agricultural tools and financial support, awareness creation the community about enclosure and moral support, payment of farmer when doing terracing as purpose of job creation for farmers, providing different tree seedling, support during conservation SWC activity. The principal environmental impacts of land degradation include a rapid loss of habitat and biodiversity, modifications of water flows, and sedimentation of reservoirs and coastal zones (Project Development Facility 2007) (Table 3).

Variables Description of the variable Frequency Percent
Type of area closures Exclude only from human interference 3 3.8
Exclude only from livestock interference 2 2.5
Exclude from human and livestock interference 41 51.3
Closing and implementing additional SWC 15 18.8
Combination of each practice 19 23.8
Year closed the degraded land from interference 1-3 10 12.5
3-5 12 15
5-10 25 31.3
For longer time kept 33 41.3
Activity often undertaking along with the area closure Terracing 11 13.8
Tree plantation and grass over sowing 16 20
Maintenance activity 5 6.3
Other 3 3.8
Terracing, tree plantation and grass over sowing and maintenance 12 15
Terracing and tree plantation and grass over sowing 32 40
Terracing and maintenance activity 1 1.3
Initiatives for enclosure No 38 47.5
Yes 42 52.5

Table 3. Type of enclosure exist to ensure rehabilitation of the land.

Types and possible causes of land degradation in the study area

In the study area Soil erosion (82.5%), deforestation (53.7%) and lack of fodder (65%) were major land degradation types in the area. The most common causes of land degradation were flooding (90%), topography (85%), deforestation (76.2%), overgrazing (57.5%), poor land management (68.7%) and population growth (61.5%). Similarly, studies conducted in northern Ethiopia reported that a rapid population growth causes a negative impact on agricultural activity. Occurrences deforestation within the study area causes for land degradation and not only this it also change climate condition negatively. The major causes of land degradation in Ethiopia are rapid population growth, severe soil loss, deforestation, low vegetative cover and unbalanced crop and livestock production (Girma 2001) (Table 4).

Variables   Frequency n=80 Percent
Land degradation types Soil erosion 8 10
Deforestation 1 1.3
Soil erosion deforestation and lack of fodder 62 77.5
Soil erosion and lack of fodder 5 6.3
Soil erosion and deforestation 2 2.5
No occurrence 2 2.5
Soil erosion severity rank First 66 82.5
Second 11 13.7
Not occurrence 3 3.8
Deforestation severity rank First 12 15
Second 43 53.7
Third 10 12.5
Not occurrence 15 18.8
Lack of fodder severity rank Cause of land degradation First 1 1.3
Second 15 18.8
Third 52 65
Not occurrence of lack of fodder Incidence 12 15
Deforestation 61 76.2
Overgrazing 46 57.5
Poor land management 55 68.7
Poverty 28 35
Topography 68 85
Flooding 72 90
Others 14 17.5

Table 4. Land degradation incidence, degree of severity and its cause.

Farmers’ perception of enclosures and its benefit in the study areas

In the present study area, a majority of the respondent had a positive attitudes and perceptions towards area closures in their community. As summarizing below Table 5 establishing enclosures has a high contribution to the livelihood of local communities for the study area. As a result most of the local communities had a positive attitude towards the establishment of enclosures in the degraded land. Sample respondents’ have reported that enclosure provides high benefits for a communities such as improve ground vegetation cover (87.5%) this indicate enclosure enhanced different plant species composition, diversity and structure. Several studies indicated that establishment of enclosure in a degraded land enhances the floristic/flora diversity, composition, structure and density. Similarly, the abundance of woody species was larger in exclosure than adjacent open grazing land (Birhane et al., 2007). To prevent further degradation of land (97.5%), used as fodder source (86.3%), provide grass for sale (57.5%) This finding coincides with Abiy (2008) works at Kelala Dalacha, Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia he said area enclosure is the most crucial way of overcoming environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity and deforestation problem of the country especially to determine the way rehabilitating severely exploited vegetation and degraded dray land and environment.

Variable Category Frequency n=80 Percent
Fodder access No 11 13.8
Yes 69 86.3
Grass for sale No 34 42.5
Yes 46 57.5
To prevent further degradation No 5 6.3
Yes 75 93.7
Source of income No 23 28.8
Yes 57 71.2
Improve ground vegetation cover No 10 12.5
Yes 70 87.5
Reduce land degradation No 2 2.5
Yes 78 97.5
Create habit for wildlife No 27 33.8
Yes 53 66.2
Reduce available grazing land No 51 63.7
Yes 29 36.3
Illegal grazing like cutting tree No 50 62.5
Yes 30 37.5
Create conflict between border No 44 55
Yes 36 45
Limit free access of fuel wood No 52 65
Yes 28 35
Important for bee keeping No 20 25
Yes 60 75
Satisfy benefit sharing from enclosure No 8 10
Yes 72 90
Satisfaction level Highly 43 53.8
Moderately 23 28.7
Poorly 5 6.3
No change 1 1.3

Table 5. Farmers Perception of enclosure in the study areas.

Also enclosed area provides habit for wild animals (66.2%), source of income for local communities (71.2%) and encouraging apiculture practice and source of feed for bees (75%). Understanding peoples’ attitudes and addressing their needs and priorities towards successful utilization and management of common resources such as forest/woodland resources is critical (Carena, 1985). However, according to sample respondents’ enclosure practice reduce available grazing land (36.3%), cause for border conflicts (45%), illegal cutting and grazing in enclosure (37.5%) and limit free access to foul wood (35%). About 90% of respondents have satisfied from benefit sharing of enclosure. About 53.8%, 28.7% and 6.3% of the household have satisfied from enclosure highly, moderately and poorly.

Major constraints of enclosure sustainability in the study areas

No guard for enclosure (96.25%), limited training (78.7%), no experience sharing about enclosure (78.7%), continuous follow up limitation by respective bodies (70%), fair benefit sharing problem in the local community (65%), expansion of urbanization (48.57%), no enough agricultural tools to reduce intervention in enclosure (47.5%), border conflicts (45%), poor awareness of the farmers about enclosure (41.25%) and enclosure competed communal grazing land (36.25%) were major constraints of enclosure sustainability in the study areas (Table 6).

Constraints Frequency Percent
Means of border conflict 36 45
Compete grazing land 29 36.25
Fair benefit sharing problem 52 65
Violate by-law 10 12.5
Continues follow-up limitation by respective bodies 56 70
Weak awareness about the enclosure 33 41.25
Lack of belongings to area closure 10 12.5
No enough agricultural tools to reduced intervention 38 47.5
Lack of guard 77 96.25
Expansion of urbanization 39 48.57
Weak responsibility of some community members 10 12.5
Lack of trainings
Lack of awareness
No experience sharing

Table 6. The major constraints that limit sustainability of enclosure.

Major opportunities of enclosure in the study areas

Enclosure makes common share of benefits (90%), communities’ accountability for by-laws (90%), cutting and currying grass in enclosure (90%) access of extension services (80%), good farmers’ motivation in the area (80%), good social work and coordination of the communities (76.25%), payment free participation of the farmers (76.25%), good awareness by communities about benefit sharing (58.75%) and presence of project intervention to strength enclosure (52.5%) were major opportunities to strength the sustainability of enclosure (Table 7).

Variables Frequency Percent
Free participation of the farmers 61 76.25
Good social work and coordination 61 76.25
Good farmer acceptance and attitude 43 53.75
Awareness creation about the benefit 47 58.75
Community work without payment 18 22.5
Make common share of benefit 72 90
Good farmers motivation 64 80
Support by project 42 52.5
Cutting and carrying grass in enclosure
Accountability for by - laws
Access of Extension service

Table 7. The major opportunities of enclosure.


From this study it was concluded that understanding of personal, socio-economic, institutional factors would contribute to the design of appropriate strategies to achieve technical change in soil and water conservation process and rehabilitation of degraded land in simultaneously area closure the study area. And enclosure enhancing the natural regeneration rates, potential to reduce erosion, improving soil nutrient content and properties and also improve the socio-economic benefits of the local communities. It improves the livelihood of the local community by providing animal feed, fodder, beekeeping activity and other non-wood forest products. Majority of the local communities are supported the establishment of enclosure on the degraded grazing land because it is easy to establish, cheap and support their livelihoods. Soil and water conservation was the major mechanisms to rehabilitate the degraded. And more than half of the respondents said the type of enclosure exist were exclude from human and livestock interference, Soil erosion, deforestation and lack of fodder were major land degradation types in the area. The most common causes of land degradation were flooding, topography, deforestation, and overgrazing and poor land management and population growth. Despite of the ecological and socioeconomic roles there are also some challenges for enclosure practices like lack of enough training and experience sharing about enclosure, improper benefit sharing that resource getting from enclosure site and lack of enough grazing lands are some of the challenges listed by the respondents of the communities.


Government organizations and concerned body should be educate or create more awareness to the local communities to developed sense of belongingness to the enclosure. Concerned body must be create balance both male and female participant in order to affirmation of gender equality regard to area closure. According to the results more than half the respondents were not getting training and experience sharing this indicates the community should be need further getting of training and experience sharing regard to enclosure.


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Author Info

H. Abdo* and D. Muluye
South Agricultural Research Institute, Worabe Agricultural Research Center, Worabe, Ethiopia

Citation: Abdo, H., Muluye, D. (2022). Assessment of constraints, opportunities and farmers perception to area closure in siltie Zone, SNNPR. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 12:68-74.

Received: 27-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. UJE-22-70454; , Pre QC No. P-70454; Editor assigned: 29-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. P-70454; Reviewed: 09-Aug-2022, QC No. Q-70454; Revised: 15-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. R-70454; Published: 20-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.15421/2022_386

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