Yield response of wheat (Triticum aestivum) to split application of lime in acidic soils of gumer highlands, southern Ethiopia


T. Tefera*, P. Ketema, S. Lewot and J. Mohammed

Acid soil is a major constraint for crop production in the highlands which affects the growth of crops due to high concentration of toxic acidic cations to plant. Soil acidity are the major yield-limiting factors and barrier to agricultural production in areas where heavy rainfall. Field investigation was carried out under permanent plots to study the influence of split application of recommended lime on yield and yield attributes of wheat in acidic soils during three cropping seasons (2017, 2018 and 2019). Four level splits of lime (full dose of required applied at one time, split in to two applied 50% in 1st and 2nd year, 50% in 1st and 3rd year, split in to three applied 33% in every year) laid in randomized complete block design with three replications. Over years mean of grain yield was not statistically significant (P<0.05) by split application of recommended amount of lime compared to one time application of full dose. The result revealed that the highest yield was recorded from all plots treated with lime whereas the lowest yield was recorded from un-limed treatment. The highest yield (5.67 ton/ha) was recorded from full dose limed plant while lowest yield (2.4 ton/ha) recorded from control. Thus, resource poor farmers who unable to afford full dose lime to be applied one time can split in to two or three and apply every year without significant yield loss compared to one time application of full dose. The increased yield of limed treatments might be lime application attributed to rising of soils pH and making nutrients plant-available.

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