Wild useful herbs of Aktobe Region (Western Kazakhstan)


Aipeisova S.A, Utarbayeva N.A, Kazkeev E.T, Maui A.A.

The article presents the results of long-term studies of useful plants of Aktobe region, located at the junction of Europe and Asia and therefore of special interest in the botanical-geographical aspect. Seven groups of useful plants were identified: forage, medicinal, food, honey, technical, decorative, and poisonous plants. According to our results, 876 species with certain properties are used by humans, accounting for 59.4% of the total number of flora species in the Aktobe region. We revealed that the following groups represent the largest number of species: medicinal plants-593 species (40.2%), forage plants -428 species (29.0%), ornamental plants -253 species of flora of the region or 17.2% of the total number of species, and the smallest group of poisonous plants -114 species. Some species like Agropyron cristatum, Bromopsis inermis, Eremopyrum orientale, Festuca valesiaca, Phleum phleoides, and Poa pratensis, are the most abundant in the Aktobe region. Agropyron cristatum and Secale sylvestre shoud have potential interest for breeding.
Keywords: Flora; Wild useful plants; Aktobe region; Medicinal plants; Ornamental plants; Forage plants
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