Use of macro invertebrates to assess the quality of Seybouse River (North-East of Algeria)


B. Affef*, O. Samia, B. Mohamed, R. Hadia, A. A. Hussein, H. Chayma and N. D. D. Harouna

The theme is based on the determination and the impact of pollution on the aquatic fauna of Seybouse river in the wilaya of Guelma.

This study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical properties of water, to determine the macro-benthic invertebrates of this ecosystem. The money samples of water are taken (November - May) at three stations at different depths, including a very polluted one at downstream of the Wadi. Several physico-chemical parameters were measured (pH, electrical conductivity, turbidity, BOD5 MES, water temperature and salinity). The Bi-monthly sampling of macro invertebrates revealed the existence of 40 taxa, divided into 4 branches (amphibians, molluscs, arthropods, annelids), made up of 2344 identified individuals, and distributed according to the bathymetry, where the majority are Arthropods with 95.38%.  The annelids represent 3.71%, collected mainly at the level of the strongly anthropized site C. Therefore, the distribution of the macrobenthic fauna, depends on the physico-chemical parameters, on the geographical position.Maintaining a standard water quality in this aquatic ecosystem requires continuous monitoring of its physicochemical characteristics.

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