Usage Of Chelated Compounds And Contamination Of Copper And Zinc In The Tissues Of Broiler Chickens


V. B. Mikhalska, L. V. Malyuga

It is established that the cultivation of chickens-broilers by feed mix with the addition of glycinate lysine and methionine copper and zinc contributed to a better use of those elements of the body and increased the biological value of the products. The expediency of the use of chelated copper and zinc sulfate instead of feeding chickens-broilers was proved. Application of chelating copper and zinc in feeding the broilers reduces dose micronutrient supplementation feed, which reduces the load on the body and increases the bioavailability of poultry mineral compounds. The best zinc absorption in broiler chickens was observed from lysinate and glycinate as the use of these compounds did not cause accumulation of zinc in the tissues, and it is used more efficiently by the body than from zinc sulfate. Based on these data it can be concluded that the organic zinc sources, namely glycinates and lysinate are the most promising for use in the feeding of broiler chickens.


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