Treatment strategies for sheep with acute yellow athrophy of the liver caused by the fasciolosis


B.O. Chernushkin*, V.V. Vlizlo, L.G. Slivinska, B.V. Gutyj, A.R. Shcherbatyy, I.A. Maksymovych, M.I. Leno, V.I. Rusyn, M.H. Lychuk, V.L. Fedorovych, B.O. Lukashchuk, H.O. Zinko and O.I. Prystupa

The article presents results of studies of acute yellow athrophy of the liver development in sheep with fasciolosis. The general condition of sick sheep was suppressed; they had polypnoe, tachycardia and hypotension of the rumen, the reticulum, and the omasum. Total protein content (p<0.001), due to albumins (p<0.001) and α-globulins (p<0.001) was decreased in the blood serum of sheep with fasciolosis, which indicates protein synthesis dysfunction in the liver. At the same time, iblood serum levels of γ-globulins (p<0.01), total bilirubin (p<0.001), urea (p<0.01) and creatinine content (p<0.001) were decreased. Increase of cytolytic (AST, ALT) and cholestatic (GGT, ALP) enzymes activity in the blood serum of sick sheep was also established. Histological examination of liver bioptates from live animals indicated fatty infiltration of the parenchyma and protein dystrophy. These changes in blood parameters and histological studies indicate disruption of basic functions and structure of the liver. After administration of anthehelmintic Rolenol to sheep with fasciolosis a decrease in albumins and α-globulins content was recorded. Accordingly, the content of γ-globulins in their blood increased. At the same time, the concentration of total and conjugated bilirubin increased, indicating diminished of hepatocyte function to conjugate and secrete pigment. Deworming led to an active increase of aminotransferases (AST, p<0.001, ALT; p<0.001) activity, as well as cholestatic (GGT and ALP) enzymes. Microscopic examination of sheep liver bioptates afterRollenol administration indicated an increase of structural changes in hepatocytes. Thus, in sheep with fasciolosis and after administration of anthelmintic Rolenol, basic functions and structure of the liver were disrupted, indicating the development of acute yellow athrophy of the liver. The treatment of sheep with acute yellow athrophy of the liver was conducted according to the following scheme: daily intravenous administration of a 10% glucose solution at a dose of 0.1 g/kg; subcutaneous administration of insulin at a dose of 0.25 U/kg of body weight; twice a day peroral administration of hepatoprotector Hepabene three capsules and brewer's yeast with selenium four pills per animal; intramuscular injection of Trivit at a dose of 1 ml once a week was administered. After six days of treatment, improvements of general condition and recovery of basic functions and structure of the liver were established. In the blood serum of sheep increased albumins content decreased concentrations of total and conjugated bilirubin, as well as enzyme activity – AST, ALT, GGT and ALP were detected. The content of urea and creatinine in the blood serum did not differ from clinically healthy sheep, which may indicate a normalization of liver and kidneys function. Histological examination of liver bioptates indicated the restoration of their structure. However, a six-day treatment of sheep with acute yellow athrophy of the liver did not lead to normalization of some parameters of functional status and liver structure. Therefore, a rehabilitation period of 20 days was appointed, during which conditions of keeping were improved, and dietary feed was added into ration. At the end of rehabilitation the general condition of sheep was satisfactory, basic functions of the liver (protein synthesis, pigment, carbohydrate) were stabilized, the activity of indicator enzymes – AST, ALT, GGT and ALP was normalized, indicating the restoration of the hepatobiliary system structure.

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