The Study of The Level of Environmental Consciousness and the Efficiency of Environmental Education Students


I. Ivanov*, L. Frolova, N. Prokopenko, O. Belyanovskaya and O. Prokopenko

A leading role of the ecological culture of society in solving the problems of the modern ecological crisis, the importance of environmental education in the formation of the ecological world outlook of young people, especially students, to ensure the successful sustainable development of the state, determines the relevance of research. The purpose of the work is to assess the level of environmental consciousness of students, the impact on it of environmental education during the period of study at universities. The research was carried out by questioning, testing students of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine of different courses and directions of training with the following analysis of their results. During the research methods M. Rokicha, "Dominant" and "Naturfil" were used. These techniques are proven, fairly versatile, easy to use and very popular in practice. As a result, the structure of value orientations and the place of nature in the student values system, the degree of priority of their relation to nature, the indicators of the formation of environmental consciousness on individual components and in general, the dynamics of its changes during the study at the academy was determined. It is established that evaluation of the importance of instrumental and terminal values in different groups of students is close to each other and they attribute nature to secondary values. This is confirmed by the diagnostic data based on the modified "Dominant" techniques, where nature takes place in a group with average dominance. Most students have an average level of intensity in relation to nature, but environmentalists% of high levels are about 2 times more likely than other students and less than% of levels with a reduced attitude to nature. Ecologists have a close connection between the time of training and the level of components of environmental consciousness. Other students do not have such a positive dynamic. At the senior courses there is even a decline in the level of attitude to nature. This gives evidence of the urgent need to adjust the content of technical disciplines and strengthen their environmental component.

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