The Structure Of Micromycetes Communities In Crop Rotations With Sunflower


H.O. Zhatova, V.I. Trotsenko

Research results of the of sunflower crop aftereffect on the structure of communities of soil micromycetes are presented. The species structure of the mycobiota of various links of the crop rotation, determination of favorable conditions for existence and functioning of micromycetes-decomposers providing of faster mineralization of plant sunflower residues was set out. Differences in the reaction of mycocenoses to the factor of sunflower plant residues have been revealed depending on the ways of soil tillage and vegetative crop. It was determined that the determinative effect of sunflower residues appeared as an integral part of the complex of stress factors that block the development of the dominant species in the mycocenoses. When factors are applying, preference in forming communities is given to species tolerant to stress as well as species concentrated on the plant residues.


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