The inheritance of economically valuable features in the intraspecific hybridization of bean (Рhaseolus L)
L.V. Golovan*, I.V. Klymenko, S.V. Stankevych, Yu.V. Vasylieva, Yu.Yu. Chupryna, I.V. Zabrodina, L.V. Zhukova, V.V. Nazarenko and Yu.M. Belay
The detailed study of the variability range of the productivity components will allow conducting the effective selection of the perspective hybrid plants at earlier stages of their study and using them for the further breeding work, especially under the conditions of biosystems adaptation to the climate changes. It is known that the success of hybridization depends on the well-chosen parental forms. 8 samples of bean were involved into the intraspecific hybridization. The selection of the samples was performed on the basis of morphological, isoenzyme and RAPD analyses. According to the research methods the samples are genetically remote and differ morphologically. As the result of the conducted research and on the basis of the statistical analysis of the data concerning the inheritance of the productivity elements, the following combinations of the cross-breeding were identified: Dokuchaievska/Holberg, Dokuchaievska/UDO501722, Pervomaiska/UDO501722 and Pervomaiska/UDO501709 (most of the studied features in the hybrid populations are genetically determined and they have a positive heterosis effect). In most cases, we found a high degree of the transgressive forms, which were combined with their high frequency on the basis of “the number of beans per plant”, “the number of seeds from the plant” and “the mass of seeds from the plant”. The simultaneous combination of the high degree and frequency of the transgressions depends on the well-chosen parental components for the cross-breeding. It was established that the degree and frequency of the transgressive forms appearance were higher when the high level of the heterosis was observed. When conducting the heterosis selection (especially concerning the productivity), first of all, the attention should be paid to those combinations that exhibit a high heterosis effect by the number of beans per plant, the number of seeds from the plant and the mass of seeds from the plant. However, there are some cases when in the first generation of the hybrids there is a depression of the economically valuable signs, and in the subsequent generations, on the contrary, we observe an increase in the degree of these signs manifestation. It is precisely these cases we observed in the further study of the hybrid populations. The comparative estimation of the received data showed that between the various signs of the hybrids and parenalt forms, the most common is the correlative dependence of the low force. The analysis of the degree of the correlative relations between F1, F2 hybbrids and their parental forms of Ph. vulgaris species showed that both parental forms have strong, medium and weak correlative relations with the prevalence of the latter. In the first generation we have noted the dominance of weak correlative forces of relations; in addition there was a small number of strong relations between the investigated signs. In the next generation, the spectrum of the correlative relations level extends as a result of splitting, we observe three degrees of manifestation of the correlative relations tightness. In our case, the F2 hybrids are characterized by the presence of strong, medium and weak links with the prevalence of the latter.