The influence of the season on the efficiency of fertilization and the manifestation of postpartum pathology in dairy cows


Roman Mylostyvyi*, Olena Kalinichenko, Pavlo Skliarov, Olena Lesnovskay, Lina Karlova, Natalia Begma, Vladimir Prishedko, Yulia Duda, Valentina Korniyenko, Svitlana Midyk, Viktor Trokoz, Oleh Marenkov and Olena Izhboldina

The study aimed to determine the effect of seasonal factors on the effectiveness of fertilization and the manifestation of postpartum pathology in Brown Swiss cows at one of the commercial dairy complexes. We studied weather conditions, the results of artificial insemination, and the manifestation of postpartum pathology among cows over several years. The correlation between weather conditions and the percentage of insemination of cows was moderate. The use of analysis of variance allowed to establish that seasonality did not significantly affect the effectiveness of artificial insemination of dairy cows. However, the existence of seasonality in the manifestation of postpartum pathology in cows should serve as a guide to management decisions by livestock breeders and veterinarians.

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