The content of monomeric anthocyanin in grape berries cultivated in the forest-steppe zone of the Altai territory


I.D. Borodulina, M.V. Vorotyntseva, G.А. Маkаrova, А.Ya. Zemtsova, G.G. Sokolova

Аntocyanins are the most significant group of connections possessing a wide range of pharmaceutical activity among all biologically active agents. The results of the chemical analysis of grape berries cultivated in the forest-steppe zone of the Altai territory are given in the article. Three grades with the high content of anthocyanins (Zilga, Adehl, Hasanskij Bousa) are revealed. The carried-out correlation analysis has revealed interrelation between chemical indicators of berries and meteorological factors. The strong and average correlation between anthocyanins and the content of SS, sugars, titrable acids and AA is common for the grape types, which are characterized by black color, rounded shape and thin skin of berries.
The correlation analysis of meteorological indicators and the main biochemical factors (SS, sugar, titrable acidity, AA) allows to reveal the strong dependence of the majority of grape types on GTK and smaller dependence-on SAT.

Keywords: Monomeric anthocyanin; grape berries; forest-steppe; Altai

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