Taxanomic study of family Asteraceae from ShishiKoh Valley, Chitral, Pakistan
K. Ullah*, G.M. Shah, J. Alam and M. Hussain
The current study pronounces the taxonomic revision of the family Asteraceae from the proposed area, Shishi Koh Valley, District, Chitral KPK, Pakistan. After surveyed total of 23 plant species (13. 93% of the total 165 spp. by Stewart in 1972) per 17 genera were identified, described and classified from Shishikoh Valley. The results revealed that all the collected species belong to herbs and Artimisia was dominant genera with high number of species 4 (17. 39%) followed by Lactuca 3 species (13. 04%), Tegetes 2(8. 69%) and the remaining genera contains 1(4. 34%) species in each.