Syntaxonomy Of Small Leaf Forests Groups On The Overgrowing Fallows


E. O. Vorobyov, M. P. Olijnyk, I. V. Solomakha

The spontaneous small leaf particles groups of fallows, that are the first stage of the restoration of broad-leaved forests were investigated. In composition of groups of birch, aspen and alder saplings on the fallows (Ivano-Frankivsk and Zhytomyr region) three new associations are distinguished and described (Cirsio arvensi-Betuletum pendulae, Phalacrolomo annui-Populetum tremulae, Dauco carotae-Alnetum glutinosae). These syntaxons are included into new class Dactylo glomerati-Populetea tremulae Vorobyov et I. Solomakha cl. nova in press. Syntaxonomy of this class was generalized for the territory of Ukraine.


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