Synantropic Flora In Phytocoenoses Of Ecological Network (the Case Of Vinnytsia Region, Ukraine)


V.I. Shavrina, Е.D. Tkach, V.P. Mykolayko

The floristic diversity of the connecting areas of the four ecological corridors (further referred to as ecocorridors) of Vinnytsia region includes 262 synanthropic species (45.2%) out of 580 species of higher vascular plants in total. Apophytes are predominant: 138 of them were found at the Nemiysky, 120 – at the Dniestrovsky, 104 – at the Southern Bug, and 59 – at the Lyadivskyi eocorridors. According to the degree of adaptation to anthropogenically disturbed conditions, these apophytes belong to hemiapophytes — 85, 73, 61, and 25 species respectively at the ecocorridors. The adventive flora was evaluated on the time of entry, the naturalization degree, and the mean of distribution. It was found that archaeophytes predominate among anthropophytes according to the time of entry, epecophytes – to the naturalization degree, and akolyutophytes – to the mean of distribution. Five indices – synanthropization (IS), apophytization (IAp), anthropophyzation (IAn), archeophytization (IAr), and kenophytization (IKn) – have been determined. Moreover, it was established that apophytic processes prevail over the adventive ones at the areas studied.


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