Study of species of Isopods from areas of Basrah Governorate, Iraq (Crustacea: Oniscidea), with descriptions of three record species


Nada Mofeed Al-Baghdadi*, Intisar Mohammed Ali Jabbar, Khaled Khasaf Al-Khafaji, Mayada Hussein Ahmed and Ahmed Jary AL-Shemary

The current study was conducted to record three isopods species for first time in wetlands areas- in Basrah south of Iraq, 943individuals of the three species were collected for the period from January to December 2019 from some areas of Basrah Governorate, occurrences of three species in study areas: (Porcellionides pruinosus, Procellio laevis and Procellio scaper). These three species belong to the familliy (Procellionidae).

The highest occurrence rate of the three species was recorded for Porcellionides pruinosus 418(44.32%), Porcellio Leavis 292 (30.96%) and Procellio scaper, 233 24.72 due to several environmental factors that may have caused their monthly numbers to increase or decrease, including an increase in their numbers in the spring and summer months and a decrease in their numbers in the winter months in current study. As well as the difference in appearance from different areas for collecting samples as due for organic matter and moisture available in their soil.

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