Study of some demographic parameters of Bactrocera (Dacus oleae); Test of a new food attractant in a trapping method


A. Achouche, F. Abbassi, A. Benzahra, Z. Djazouli

This study focuses on the observation of changes in the demographic parameters of olive fly over time in two regions, Mitidja and Mezghana region, the method consists in identifying certain biotic and abiotic factors that can play a role on the variations of these parameters; on the other hand we tested new food attractiveness in a trapping method.
The Results showed that the demographic parameters (emergence, parasitism and mortality) are influenced by the year and by the region factor with a very high emergence rate above 50%; On the other hand, the rate of parasitism remains low with a maximum value of 33.23% recorded in Mezghenna, regarding nymphal mortality the maximum value is recorded in Chebacheb with 26.44%.
Furthermore, the study of the efficiency of nitrogen fertiliser (Urea 46 unit) on the catches of adults showed us that the best concentration of attraction is 6%; on the other hand, the yellow color of the traps positively influences the catches of Bactroceraoleae.

Keywords: Mitidja; mezghenna; nitrogen fertilizer; Bactrocera oleae

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