Specific Immune Protection To Klebsiella Pneumoniae And Enterococcus Faecalis In The Chronic Prostatitis Sufferers


V. N. Bayraktar

Microbiological investigation of samples in the chronic prostatitis (CP) sufferers showed that isolation opportunistic bacteria: Enterococcus faecalis and Klebsiella pneumoniae from tested samples of expressed prostatic secretions (EPS) are the cause of inflammation and aggravation of prostate in men. Except microbiological culture isolation it was investigated condition immune system. Such parameters of cellular mediated immunity as CD3+; CD4+; CD8+; CD16+; CD19+; PAN (phagocytic activity of neutrophils). Humoral mediated immunity by concentration of immunoglobulin classes: А, G, М in serum as well as determined. Such complex bacteriological and immunological investigation enables us to gain a better understanding of the reason and mechanism of inflammation. It was indicated that parameters of cellular mediated immunity during inflammation decrease, however, IgA concentration increases and concentration of IgM decrease. After specific immune protection parameters of immue system including cellular mediated immunity and humoral immunity normalized. Such detailed investigation of immune system gives an ability to specify total condition the immune system and it`s reserves for specific immune protection of mucosal from such opportunistic bacteria as: Enterococcus faecalis and Klebsiella pneumoniae.


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