Soybean insect pests: A review of Ukrainian and world data


N. V. Lutytska, S. V. Stankevych, I. V. Zabrodina, H. V. Baidyk, I. P. Lezhenina, Yu. O. Nakonechna, O. A. Molchanova, V. O. Melenti, L. V. Golovan, I. V. Klymenko, L. V. Zhukova, O.V. Romanov, T. A. Romanova

Soya – is the main albuminous and oily crop of the world agriculture. It takes an important place in the structure of crops, grain, fodder and food balance. This is a strategic crop in solving the global food problem that is why it is grown on all continents in the main agricultural regions of our planet. In recent years soya has no competitors by the rates of crops growth and production volumes. Though Ukraine takes the first place in Europe by area of soya cultivation, its yield still does not correspond to potential possibilities. One of the factors which limit potential productivity is pests. Soybean protection from them is an important and relevant component for getting stably high yields and raising the quality of seeds simultaneously. Especially effective it has been monitoring in recent years as a result of an increase of sown areas and yield due to implementation of intensive technologies for soya cultivation. However, it should be taken into account that many species of harmful insects damage soya at all stages of ontogenesis, at the same time the loss of yield can make 30–40%. Harmful insect species from the following series have been discovered on soya crops in the Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: Orthoptera, Homoptera, Hemiptera, Thysanoptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera.
Key words: Soya; Pests; Insects; Species composition; Habitat; Protection
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