Sowing parameters influenced on proso millet quality and yielding capacity


S. Poltoretskyi, L. Riabovol, I. Diordiieva, I. Riabovol, A. Yatsenko

The aim of the research is to define optimal sowing parameters that ensure the highest yielding capacity and high quality of the proso millet seeds (Panicum miliaceum L.). To achieve a stated goal we established and analyzed multiple-factor interrelations of the formation of highly productive seed sowing of the proso millet by improving sowing methods and sowing rates as well as conditions improving sowing qualities and yielding capacity of seeds with the application of correlation pleiades. We founded that deviation from the recommended sowing rates in production results in the decline of yielding capacity level. We also suggested that the deficit of seed material caused the highest shortfalls in seed yields compared to its over-expenditure; moreover, the seed planted with wide row spacing had the best yielding capacity, while sowing with row spacing of 15 cm and sowing rate at 3.5 million seeds/ha provided the its highest yielding capacity.
Key words: Proso millet; seeds; sowing method; seeding rate; correlation pleiades
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