Some data on zoophilic flies of Siberia and the Russian Far East


E.I. Sivkova*

In the vast territories of Siberia and the Russian Far East that include various landscapes and climatic zones of the country, flies play an important role as they are constantly present in the life of humans and animals. Flies belong to the Order Diptera, comprising of two-winged flies, the suborder Cyclorrapha (circular-seamed flies). Flies are vectors of many infectious and invasive diseases (they spread pathogens of microorganisms, protozoa, and fungi) and can also cause independent diseases in the larval phase. In this genus case, the flesh-fly family (Sarcophagidae), Wohlfahrtia magnifica genus, Schin.,1862, is a classic example of flies with a free-living pattern to a parasitic lifestyle. Species specificity of flies is weakly expressed, though they give the most significant preference to cattle. Traditional fly control methods include preventive and exterminating measures. Preventive steps are targeted at the elimination of potential fly breeding places by practicing routine sanitation. The advantage of preventive measures is their environmental friendliness. However, they do not significantly reduce the number of flies. Other methods such as chemical, physical, biological, or combination can be more effective when fighting against flies. Zoophilic flies of the Asian part of Russia are represented by four families: flesh flies (Sarcophagidae); true flies or house flies (Muscidae); bluebottles or greenbottles (Calliphoridae); and louse flies (Hippoboscidae). Research conducted in Western Siberia is prevalent in the region (68.9%). Research subjects are primarily devoted to studies of fauna and ecology (48.1%) and the development of means and methods for animal protection (30.5%). Researchers paid less attention to investigating such subjects as epidemiological and epizootological importance(11.8%), research methods (6.7%), and economic assessment (2.9%).

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