Sanitary-hygienic evaluation of meat processing enterprises productions and their sanation
A.P. Paliy, K.O. Rodionova, M.V. Braginec, A.P. Paliy, L.I. Nalivayko
The results in the determination microbiocinosis level of the objects of veterinary supervision at meat processing enterprises are presented. It was experimentally established that in 3 hours of the slaughter workshop working process, the total number of microorganisms is higher more than 5 times of the established standard, and by the end of the working shift the amount of MAFAnM on the floor and walls is (1.6 ± 0.23)×106 and (8.2 ± 1.1)×105 CFU/cm2, respectively, which is significantly more of the regulated indicators. It is determined, that the most contaminated in the production process is the table to wash stomach, the gutter to move off stomach, the table to disassemble intestinal kit and the gutter to move off intestinal kits. The gained results indicate the necessity for thorough and timely sanitization of contaminated surfaces. It has been established that the daily use of «Anti-Jermi SR S 25» detergent (2.0 % – 30 minutes) provides the high level of sanitation in the meat industry enterprises. The disinfectant «Germicidan FF Plus» ensures the complete destruction of sanitary-indicative microorganisms at veterinary supervision sites of meat-processing plants when applied at 0.5 % concentration with an exposure of 60 minutes. The obtained results broaden the spectrum of highly active antimicrobial agents, which are promising to use in the processing and food industries.