Productivity of watermelon output in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of Ukraine


Z. Linnik*, O. Sergienko and O. Lukyanchikova

In the Institute of Vegetable and Melon Growing of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv region), we held screening and monitoring of 101 genotypes of watermelon from 13 countries, which are represented by collection and selection samples of different breeding characteristics. There were determined the parameters of productivity, yield, average fruit weight, number of fruits on the plant, and their variability. According to the analysis of the source material of watermelon, the limits (Lim=Xmin… Xmax) and amplitudes (Am=Xmax-Xmin) of variation of their values were established as well. Analysis of the source material of watermelon revealed significant variability of the main selection traits: overall productivity (Lim=1.48-6.50, Am=5.02 kg/plant), marketable productivity (Lim=1.29-6.31, Am=5.02 kg/plant), average weight of marketable fruit (Lim=0.99-3.99, Am=3.00 kg), number of fruits per plant (Lim=0.9-3.6, Am=2,7 pcs/plant), total yield (Lim=15.1-65.7, Am=50.60 t/ha), commodity yield (Lim=13.2-64.5, Am=51.30 t/ha) and insignificant marketability (Lim=74.9-100, Am=25.10%). The sources of valuable economic traits for heterosis selection are identified: by total productivity-19, by marketable productivity-13, by yield of marketable fruits-17, by average fruit weight-5, and the average number of fruits per plant-14. The purpose of the research is to assess the productive and marketable qualities of the collection genofond of watermelon, to identify the sources of productivity valuable for heterosis selection of the table watermelon.

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