Polymorphism in populations of white clover (the City of Gorno-Altaysk, Western Siberia)


G.G. Sokolova, I.D. Borodulina

The polymorphism of the populations of Trifolium repens L. was studied on the basis of the presence and diversity of the «gray spot» on the leaves. In 2016-2017, we studied polymorphism in the populations of white clover growing in different areas of Gorno-Altaysk. For the account and identification of phenotypes 10 trial randomized platforms in parks, on waste grounds, in the yards, along highways, at gas stations, about boiler rooms and plant of reinforced concrete products were put. The natural population of white clover growing outside the city limits is taken as a control. The collection of material for the detection of genetic polymorphism was carried out in the summer during the abundant flowering of clover (July-August). In total, we analyzed 1500 plants. The analysis of the samples was carried out in accordance with the method of Ia. Schwartzman (1986). During the observation, the shape of the pattern, the frequency of occurrence of the identified hair dryer was recorded, the presence of plants with any unique hairdryers (a picture of a different color, leaves with 4 or more leaves) was noted. A phenotypic diagnosis of the growing conditions of white clover was conducted at various points in the city of Gorno-Altaisk. A high degree of polymorphism was detected in urban clover populations, a significant decrease in the proportion of hair dryer 1 (without picture), and the appearance of new hair dryers not characteristic of control plots.

Keywords: White clover, hairdryers, phenotype, grey picture, genetic polymorphism, the index of frequency of occurrence of hair dryers

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