Morphometry of the corpus luteum of the ovaries in heifers and probiotic protection of the mucous membranes of different body cavities


L. Roman*, S. Sidashova, S. Ulyzko, N. Stepanova, N. Todorov, I. Popova, V. Chornyi, V. Kushnir and B. Gutyj*

The results of the influence of complex probiotic protection of the mucous membranes of the reproductive system and intestines on the development of the corpus luteum of the cycle in heifers have been presented. By the method of differential palpation diagnostics in vivo, it was reliably established that in the experimental group, after carrying out procedures for the normalization of mucous membranes with the multicomponent probiotic drug "Multibacterin Veterinary Ba+La", the number of heifers with high-quality yellow bodies of the ovaries was 48.21% more, and the number of cases of premature luteolysis was 12.50% less (P<0.01). The level of pregnancy in heifers in the experiment was on average 60.38%, in control - 46.94%, which confirmed the positive effect of the probiotic protection of the mucous membranes on increasing the embryo survival by optimizing the conditions for histotrophic nutrition on the surface of the endometrium.

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