Morphological and ecological-biological evaluation of the decorative species of the genus Lupinus L.


H.V. Pantsyreva

The article describes the characteristics of decorative species of the genus Lupinus L. in the course of introductory studies on the basis of experienced exhibition areas of the Botanical Garden «Podillya» of the Vinnytsia National Agrarian University. An analysis of the species composition of the genus Lupinus L. has been carried out and the prospects of their use for landscaping of various objects of the Podillya area have been determined. In order to differentiate plants in accordance with the scope of their possible use, the morphometric indices of the most promising representatives of this genus are given. It has been established that all investigated species are of interest as potentially valuable objects for enrichment of assortment of domestic ornamental plants. It is established that natural possibilities of representatives of the genus Lupinus L., plasticity to change their life form, high quality by the aggregate of characteristics that determine their decorative character, characterizes the investigated plants as a source for introducing and enriching the range of decorative cultures in Ukraine. Thus, the introduction of representatives of the genus Lupinus L. will enable to significantly expand the range of ornamental plants and enrich the cultivated flora of the Podillya region and Ukraine as a whole.
Keywords: Lupinus L.; introduction; morphology; phenology; ecological and biological properties; biomorphological features
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