Modeling of hybrid cultivation technology corn to ensure energy efficiency for sustainable rural development


V. Palamarchuk, I. Honcharuk, N. Telekalo*, V. Krychkovskyi, I. Kupchuk and M. Mordvaniuk

The research results were obtained during the scientific work. Development of the concept of energy security and energy efficiency as priority areas for sustainable development of rural areas (state registration number 0121U109443), which is carried out at the expense of the general fund of the state budget (deadline: 2021-2022). It is established that taking into account the dependence of the manifestation of economically valuable traits in maize hybrids will effectively select maize hybrids with the necessary parameters, in this case for the production of alternative energy sources and create adaptive elements of technology for their cultivation. The use of cluster analysis allows us to approach the solution of the difficult problem of increasing the efficiency of the correct selection of hybrids and elements of technology to obtain the maximum yield of bioethanol per unit area of maize hybrids. Based on the results of the cluster analysis, a dendrogram of grouping into classes was created using the single relationship method. Clustering of the studied hybrids on a set of economically valuable traits allows to draw conclusions about the recommendations for the technology of their cultivation and the creation of algorithms and mechanisms for predicting the level of productivity based on predicting the response rate of plants and their growth and development and will effectively select corn hybrids. types of energy. Studies have established the dependence of bioethanol yield on maturity groups of hybrids, their varietal characteristics, elements of technology (sowing dates, foliar fertilization and depth of seed wrapping and the size of its fraction). The yield of bioethanol in the group of early-maturing hybrids was 3,131 thousand l/ha, medium-early-3,551 thousand l/ha and medium-ripe-4,139 thousand l/ha.

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