Melliferous resources in Charyshsky district (Altai Krai)
G.I. Nenasheva, Y.V. Kozyreva, A.V. Krotov, V.A. Bykova, O.V. Denisenko
The present paper provides results and analysis of floristic composition and vegetation resources of Charyshsky district, Altai Krai. Crop production in Altai Krai is of primary importance for apiculture. Melliferous resources of cultivated plants as well as of native plants are displayed in the paper. Vegetation resources are sorted out into groups, number of species in each group is counted. We conducted melissopalynological studies of honey samples from Charyshsky district and identified taxonomic diversity of pollen spectrum of natural honey samples, and their compliance with the basic melliferous plants. In the melliferous base of Charyshsky district locality there were identified 185 species of mellifers (19, 6% of total species number). Model plots of Charyshsky district refer to mountain-forest zone and have the most stable honey harvest, due to a wide range of plants species. Melissopalynology studies showed that honey samples of Charyshsky district are polyfloral. The pollen composition of honey reflects the type of vegetation in the area. Analysis of honey samples collected from Charyshsky district model plots located in the mountain forest zone (Altai Krai) revealed that the pollen of the families Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae, Ranunculaceae, Rosaceae is prevailing, while on the model plots of the third type found in field agrocoenoses the pollen of the family Polygonaceae is predominating. Midlands and lowlands with fir–aspen forests with tall herbaceous plants (black taiga) have high melliferous potential. Melliferous resources along with other types of vegetation resources are being destroyed as a result of human economic activity (arable land, grazing, forestry activities) therefore it is necessary to provide environmental resource management and resource efficiency approach.
Key words: Vegetation resources; Melissopalynology; Pollen; Melliferous plants
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