Influence of new frost-resistant disinfectant on the ultrastructural organization of atypical mycobacteria


A.P. Paliy*, A.I. Zavgorodnii, M.V. Kalashnyk, O.I. Shkromada, Z.V. Rybachuk, R.V. Dolbanosova, L.M. Kovalenko, Ye.M. Livoshchenko, L.P. Livoshchenko, Yu.V. Baidevliatova, Yu.K. Dunaiev, A.P. Palii and T.I. Nedzheria

The article presents the results of experimental studies of M. kansasii, M. gordonae, M. xenopi, M. flavescens ultrastructure in normal conditions and after exposure of new anti-frost disinfectant. A glutaraldehyde is an active substance, and a sodium formate used as an antifreeze. It was shown that occurred changes are characterized by destruction of microcapsule, cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane, formation of vacuoles and osmiophil inclusions in the cytoplasm of mycobacteria cells after an exposure of the frost-resistant disinfectant. A dissolution of the microcapsule and cell wall was noted under the action of a disinfectant on M. kansasii. Cells partially lost the cytoplasmic membrane. The cytoplasm had the appearance of dark finely granular inclusions. The nucleoid region was not clearly visible. The appearance of vacuoles in the cytoplasm of cells that had a low electron density was observed in the test culture of M. gordonae after application of the disinfectant. The effect of disinfectants on M. xenopi causes the destruction of the microcapsule and cell wall in almost all microbial cells. The cytoplasm contained small granular substances of different electron densities. The complete disappearance of the microcapsule and cell wall was observed in the culture of M. flavescens after action of disinfectant. It was lead to release of the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm gains density and contains vacuoles, as well as a fine-granular substance. The nucleoid region is blurred and densified. The developed disinfectant composition can be used in the complex of veterinary and sanitary measures for the control and prevention of tuberculosis of farm animals at ambient temperatures up to minus 20°С.

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