Influence of mineral fertilization level on productivity of Camelina sativa in the conditions of Prycarpattia


Ya.Ya. Hryhoriv, S.O. Butenko*, I.M. Masyk, V.I. Onychko, T.O. Onychko, O.I. Pshychenko, V.I. Komar and O.P. Berezniak

The results of research on studying the influence of mineral fertilization level on the yield of Camelina sativa , variety Hirsky, on sod-podzolic soils in the conditions of Prycarpattia. It was found that the highest yield of Camelina sativa 1.88 t/ha was obtained by application of mineral fertilizers with a dose of N30P45K45+N60, which is 0.89 t/ha more than in the control variant. The lowest yield - 0.99 t/ha was obtained on the control variant (without fertilizer application). The highest oil content in the seeds varies depending on the fertilizer dose from 35.25% to 37.65% and fat (0.36-0.6 t/ha). The content of glucosinolates varies from 18.5 mcmole/g to 30.0 mcmole/g. Among the fatty acids which form the basis of Camelina sativa oil, the most variable are oleic and linolenic, portion of which accounted for 67.7% of other acids.

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