Influence of mannan oligosaccharides for getting high quality and ecologically safe swine production
O. Kuzmenko, V. Bomko, S. Babenko, ÃÂ. Horchanok, M. Slomchinskyy, O. Tytariova, O. Chernyavskyy, N. Prisjazhnjuk
Based on the data obtained during the production experiment, it was proved that adding of mannanoligosaccharides in the form of a prebiotic Bio-Mos into the composition of feed during the entire period of fattening positively affects the qualitative and quantitative compound of the digestive tract of pigs growing for meat. According to the results of the experiment, prebiotic Bio-Mos, as a feed additive during the whole period of fattening, helps to increase the intensity of pigs’growth on fattening due to changes in the number of conditionally pathogenicand symbiotic microorganisms. The accumulation of symbiotic microflora in feces provides harmful effects on the environment and does not cause infection of animals and humans.