In vitro Regeneration of Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don.) Hand-Mazz Using Auxins and Current Status in Galiyat Abbottabad
H. Mehreen, J. Zafar, G. Zishan
Current Status of Saussurea heteromalla was investigated in Galiyat areas of District Abbottabad, viz., Jahaffar, Seri, Beeran Gali, Banj, Haryala, Daryala Gali, Sarbhanna, Barriyan, Akhreela and Broangiala. Saussurea heteromalla was found common in Seri, Sarbhanna and Barriyan; endangered in Haryala, Jahaffar, Banj, Daryala Gali and Beeran Gali and absent in Akhreela and Broangiala. In vitro regeneration of Saussurea heteromalla (D. Don.) Hand-Mazz on MS media was conducted and shoots were developed on full strength MS medium supplemented with 1 mgL-1 GA3. The developed shoots were transferred for root induction to half strength MS medium fortified with various concentrations of Indole butyric acid (IBA) and α-Naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) i.e. T1 (control), T2 (2 mgL-1 IBA), T3 (3 mgL-1 IBA), T4 (4 mgL-1 IBA), T5 (1 mgL-1 NAA), T6 (2 mgL-1 NAA) and T7 (3 mgL-1 NAA). Maximum mean shoot length (6.3 cm), mean number of leaves (7), mean number of nodes (5.25); highest root emergence percentage (71%), means root length (1.5 cm), mean number of roots (3) and highest survival rate (100%) was recorded in treatment T4. However, treatments T5 and T6 also seem to be effective for in vitro rooting of Saussurea heteromalla. Treatments T2, T3 and T7 showed minimum root growth. It was concluded that IBA at higher concentration is more effective for in vitro rooting and better shoot growth of Saussurea heteromalla whereas NAA also initiate rooting but at lower concentration.
Keywords: Saussurea heteromalla; Medicinal plants; In vitro regeneration; Current Status
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