Identification of prospective sources of agronomically-valuable traits of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) among breeding lines in the condition of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine


S.O. Kovalchuk, S.I. Voloschuk, N.A. Kozub, Ye.V. Zaika, V.M. Starychenko

The aim of work was the estimation of valuable traits of bread wheat breeding lines, obtained from interspecies crosses with wild Aegilops and Triticum species growing in a condition of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. We used the seed proteins electrophoresis in PAAG for confirmation of the presence of rye seed storage components in the wheat parental lines genomes. The biochemical compositions of seeds had determined by the infrared spectroscopy method. As a result of researching from the set of 600 breeding lines were selected best lines with increased grain yield from 1 m2, with high protein content in grain, disease resistance, and winter hardiness significantly exceeded the standard variety Polesskaya-90. All lines have high and moderate resistance against diseases: Powdery Mildew, Brown Rust, Septoria Blotch. Based on obtained data had selected breeding lines, which were promising sources of single and complex agronomically valuable traits for bread wheat breeding and genetic researches. 

Keywords: Interspecific hybridization; Plant breeding; Goat grass; Bread wheat


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