Hormetic responses of durum wheat (Triticum durum desf.) against cadmium stress


I. Ghozlene, B. Houria, D. Mohammed-Reda and R. Rachid*

The Hormetic dose-response relationships resulting from environmental polluting agents are often characterized by low dose stimulation and high dose inhibition, which confirms as well the general phenomenon of hormesis with a considerable implication related to the ecological risk assessment. In the present paper, an approach based on a plant model attempts to describe an assessment of the hormoesis effect of cadmium (Cd) on the morphophysiological and biochemical results on durum wheat. The results show that a poor cadmium concentration induces a stimulation of catalase activity It also resulted in an electrolyte release from the plasma membrane as well as an induction of glycine betaine. On the other hand, the treatment with a strong concentration of cadmium resulted in an inhibition of catalase activity, as well as a downward of betaine glycine and electrolytes. The results are exposed in an inverted U-shaped curve. The phenomenon of cadmium-induced hormesis in durum wheat can be linked to the activation of adaptive pathways.

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