Greening of agricultural land use as a major component of organic farming and sustainable development
T.O. Stepanenko, O.Ya. Petrenko, P.F. Tsygikal, S.V. Stankevych, I.I. Sadovyy, S.V. Zemlyukov, V.V. Sorokin
In the interests of further development of organic production in Ukraine, it is necessary: to increase the area for the "organic" production through the use of uncontaminated lands; to create conditions for proper stimulation of agricultural producers, reduction of risks of organic production; to work out a system of state certification of organic products, to ensure clear state control over the quality of organic food; to create an appropriate base for the processing organic raw materials; to promote the competitiveness of domestic "organic" in the world market. Therefore, when greening agricultural land use as a basis for the development of organic farming, it is advisable to determine the optimal areas at the state level, primarily from an ecological point of view, involved in agricultural land turnover. To develop mechanisms for their most cost-effective use and provide the most favorable conditions for preserving the ecological and economic potential of agricultural land. We see the main goals of greening of agricultural production in the greening of social production, including the agricultural sector by greening its individual components, which are combined into a single system. Greening technological and management solutions are undoubtedly important. The priority tasks of greening agricultural land use as the main component of organic farming include strengthening environmental safety; reducing the man-made load on natural biocenoses; rational use of natural resources; preserving, reproducing and increasing soil fertility; introducing energy-saving waste-free production technologies; increasing the production of environmentally friendly organic products.
Keywords: Agricultural; Organic farming; Environmental; Soil degradation; Land use
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