Genus Campanula L. (Campanulaceae Juss.) in flora of Altai
A.I. Shmakov, A.A. Kechaykin1, T.A. Sinitsyna, D.N. Shaulo, S.V. Smirnov
A taxonomic study of the genus Campanula L. in the flora of Altai is presented. Based on the data obtained, 14 Campanula species, belonging to 3 subgenera and 7 sections, grow in the territory of the Altai Mountain Country. The subgenus Campanula includes 4 sections and 8 species and is the most diverse in the flora of Altai. An original key is presented to determine the Campanula species in Altai. For each species, nomenclature, ecological and geographical data, as well as information about type material, are provided. New locations of Campanula species are indicated for separate botanical and geographical regions of Altai.
Keywords: Altai, Campanula; distribution; diversity; ecology; species
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