Genotoxic Effects Of Bottom Sediments From Chumysh River In Allium Cepa L. Root Meristem Cells
L. P. Khlebova, N. N. Chernysheva, O. V. Bychkova, A. P. Kraynov
Cytogenetic effects of bottom sediments from Chumysh river near Talmenka (Russia, Altai Territory) were studied. It was found that the aqueous extracts of bottom sediments induced a strong cytotoxic effect reducing 1.7 times the mitotic activity in the apical root meristem in Allium cepa test system. The level of pathological mitoses (14.01%) was significantly higher than the background value (0.86%) and indicated the presence of factors with a total mutagenic activity in the bottom sediments of the river. This level is classified as high one. The different types of unequal chromosome segregation were the main violations during cell divisions. Dominance in the spectrum of anomalies metaphase spindle pathologies gave reason to believe about the chemical contamination of bottom sediments from Chumysh river. Stress factors of the sediments activate adaptive mechanisms of cells in test system to preserve their viability and reliability of the transmission of genetic information to future cell generations. The adaptive mechanisms are micronucleus and polyploidy cell formations.