Geese Fatty Acid Composition Of Brain And Heart Lipids In Hypo-and Hyperoxia


L. М. Zdorovtseva, V. О. Khromishev, О. О. Danchenko

We selected the eggs of Italian breed geese with an average mass of 134,2 ± 8,4 g for the incubation. The study of antioxidant defense system in embryogenesis was carried out in physiologically reasonable time frame: 15 days - the closure of the allantois and the availability of developed liver, 22 days - the transition from the protein meal type to the yolk, 28 days - the transfer of embryos to the output. In the postnatal period, the investigations were limited to 14-day-old (early postnatal ontogenesis). The study involved the tissues of the brain and heart. We established the specificity of the changes of fatty acid composition of lipids in the brain and heart of geese in a hypo-and hyperoxia during the transition from embryonic to the postnatal period. We also proved that the mobilization of the antioxidant defense system in the brain tissue occurs by reducing the unsaturated fatty acids in the lipids by 35.2%. In the myocardium the reducing of unsaturation was significantly lower (10.2%).


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