Estimation of the relative DNA content in species of the genus Spiraea, sections Chamaedryon and Glomerati by flow cytometry
V.A. Kostikova, M.S. Voronkova, E.Yu. Mitrenina, A.A. Kuznetsov,A.S. Erst, T.N. Veklich, E.V. Shabanova (Kobozeva)
The relative DNA content was studied in seven species of the genus Spiraea L., section Chamaedryon Ser., and in two species, section Glomerati Nakai, from 28 natural populations growing in Asian Russia. The cell nuclei were isolated from a leaf tissue. The relative intensity of fluorescence was measured using flow cytometry of propidium iodide-stained nuclei. The analysis was performed using a CyFlowSpace device (Germany, Sysmex Partec) with a laser radiation source of 532 nm. Fresh leaves of Solanum lycopersicum cv. ‘Stupice’ were used as an internal standard. Data on the relative DNA content are presented for the first time for S. flexuosa Fisch ex Cambess. (0.42–0.47 pg), S. ussuriensis Pojark. (0.49–0.52; 0.85 pg), S. alpina-Pall. (0.49–0.51 pg), S. media Schmidt. (0.45; 0.98–1.01 pg), S. trilobata L. (0.46 pg), S. hypericifolia L. (0.49–0.52 pg) and S. aquilegifolia Pall. (0.48–0.51 pg). Mesophytic species of the genus Spiraea growing in the forest zone (S. chamaedryfolia L. and S. media) exhibit a 2-fold higher relative DNA content (C-value) compared to xerophytic species (S. hypericifolia, S. crenata L., S. aquilegifolia and S. trilobata) and species confined only to mountain areas (S. alpinа, S. trilobata and S. aquilegifolia).
Keywords: Spiraea; sections Сhamaedryon and Glomerati; the relative DNA content; flow cytometry; DNA C-value
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