Environmental pollution caused by the manure storage


O.O. Borshch, B. V. Gutyj*, O.V. Borshch, O.I. Sobolev, S.V. Chernyuk, O.P. Rudenko, B.M. KalyN, N.A. LytvyN, L.B. Savchuk, L.P. Kit, T.B. Nahirniak, S.I. Kropyvka and T.O. Pundyak

The purpose of this work was to compare the quality indicators of manure with different ways of its removal and storage for pollution of the environment. The research was carried out at three farms with different variants of removal, storage and processing of manure: using deep, unchangeable for a long time straw litter, processing of manure in a bioreactor-fermenter and sedimentation in open-air lagoons. By the amount of NPK content per 1 kg of fertilizer, the highest rates were observed for the deposition on the deep litter – 7.69 g. The least of these elements was in the fertilizer obtained as a result of storage in the lagoon – 6.16 g. At the variant of manure processing in the bioreactor-fermenter intermediate indicators – 6.69 g were observed. The highest manure moisture index was for storage in the lagoon – 17.71% and 1.38% more compared with the option on deep litter and bioreactor-fermenter. The lowest amount of weed seeds was deposited on deep litter – 79 units/ml, which is 24 and 38 units/ml more than for processing in a bioreactor-fermenter and storage in the lagoon. The indicator of germination of weeds, which is very important in terms of the future use of manure in organic fertilizers, in general, for all variants of storage (processing) had positive indicators. The germination index of weeds under storage on deep litter was 5.72%, which is 3.14 and 4.42% less than by processing in a bioreactor-fermenter and in a lagoon. The largest emissions of N2O (nitrogen oxide) were 40712.45 kg at manure storage in the lagoon, which is 39781.88 kg more than at the variants of deep-litter storage and bioreactor-fermenter.

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