Energy productivity of uncommon herbs for solid fuel manufacturing
V.H. Kurhak, M.A. Tkachenko, N.M. Asanishvili, V.V. Moisiienko, A.V. Holodna, A.M. Tkachenko, S.M. Slyusar, M.M. Ptashnik, L.P. Kolomiiets, Ya.S. Tsymbal, O.L. Oksymets, R.M. Kulyk, V.Z. Panchyshyn, S.V. Stotska, T.A. Sladkovska
The article presents the research results of the rare energy crop selection and optimization of their mowing timing to produce solid biofuels in the conditions of the Ukrainian Right-bank Forest-steppe zone. Among perennial energy crops on dark gray soils, the most productive was the Miscánthus giganteus J. M. Greef, Silphium perfoliatum L., Polygonum weyrichii Fr. Schm., P. sachalinensis L., Sida hermophrodita Rusby, and Helianthus tuberosus L. (1st year of use with parameters 11.1-15.8 t/ha dry mass, 194-281 GJ/ha of thermal energy and 6.0-8.6 t/ha of equivalent fuel). The highest linear growth had Helianthus tuberosus (1st year of use). The stem diameter of energy crops ranged from 2.8 mm to 16.8 mm. The stem's largest diameter had Polygonum weyrichii, Sida hermophrodita, and Helianthus tuberosus (1st year of use). The highest density and energy capacity of 1 m3 of dry unpressed chips had Sida hermophrodita, Helianthus tuberosus, Miscánthus giganteus, and Polygonum divaricatum L. with parameters respectively 125-138 kg and 2.00-2.56 GJ.
Keywords: perennial and annual energy crops, energy capacity, productivity, dry biomass, thermal energy, equivalent fuel
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