Empowering informal settlements around metropolises (Case study: District 19 of Tehran, Iran)


S. Zeynab*

Informal settlement is one of the unfortunate consequences of urbanization in the contemporary world, especially as a result of the accelerated industrialization and regional inequalities, which has confronted many problems, especially cities and towns in general. According to statistics presented in the United Nations Human Resettlement Program (2003), one out of every three people in the world will live in the suburbs and illegal settlements for the next 30 years. This study investigates the causes of informal settlements in district 19 of Tehran. The baseline data for the year 1395 are field survey and were conducted for better study and sampling among sample households. The validity of the test was obtained by Cronbach's alpha formula: 0.62. The research method is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population consisted of all the households in the target neighborhoods. 107 individuals were selected by cluster sampling method and questionnaires were distributed among them. SPSS software was used for data analysis. The results show that one of the main strategies for organizing and resolving many of the problems of resettled households is empowering residents and revitalizing their physical structure and promoting economic activities, employment, creating new job opportunities and increasing income. Another approach that should be taken into consideration by the authorities is the improvement of demolished housing, due to the inability of tenants to occupy it and the need to consider and adopt a method to improve housing in demolished housing.

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