Efficient induction of hairy roots in Tagetes patula L.


O.V. Bychkova, L.P. Khlebova, E.S. Plyushcheva, A.I. Borsukova

We carried out a genetic transformation of leaf explants of Tagetes patula L. using Agrobacterium rhizogenes strains (A-4b, 15834 and 8196RT). An effective way of genetic transformation of T. patula is the co-cultivation of sterile leaf explants with a suspension of soil agrobacteria, diluted in Murashige-Skoog medium. The duration of co-cultivation of the explants and the agrobacterial suspension, which ensured effective transformation, was 24 hours, followed by transfer to MS medium containing 20-25 gl-1 of sucrose. Hairy roots formed after 14 days of cultivation. The frequency of transformation was 85%. The wild A. rhizogenes strain 8196RT was the most productive for obtaining a stably growing culture of hairy roots.

Keywords: Hairy roots; Tagetes patula L.; Agrobacterium rhizogenes; virulence; strain

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