Effect of the elements of corn cultivation technology on bioethanol production under conditions of the right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine
V. Palamarchuk, I. Honcharuk, T. Honcharuk, N. Telekalo
The paper presents the results of a three-year research on the technology of corn cultivation and efficiency of starch utilization as bio-feedstock for bioethanol production in Ukraine. Peculiarities of carbohydrate accumulation in corn hybrids depending on the fraction size, seeding depth and conditions of cultivation are determined. The effect of seed fraction size (small, medium and large), seeding depth (4, 7 and 11 cm) on the yield, starch content and output, approximate bioethanol output in corn hybrids of three maturity groups (early- ‘DKC 2960’ and ‘DKC 2971’, mid-early- ‘DKC 3472’, ‘DKC 3795’, and mid- ‘DK 315’ and ‘DKC 4082’ originated by the company DEKALB Monsanto Ukraine) is analyzed. The influence of environmental conditions on the studied characteristics and indicators is revealed. Dependence of productivity, starch content and bioethanol output on the seeding depth and seed fraction size is disclosed. There has been observed the growth of genetic control of these indicators depending on the specific hybrid, compared to the investigated technology elements. Application of large linear-size seeds and the optimum seeding depth of 4-7 cm provide an opportunity to increase the yield, starch content and bioethanol output.
Keywords: Bioethanol; bio-feedstock; hybrid; seeding depth; corn; yield; seed fraction
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