Effect of some components on micropropagation of garden crops


T.V. Plaksina, I.D. Borodulina, G.G. Sokolova

Micropropagation of garden crops (steppe cherry "Pamjati Lewandovskogo", remontant raspberry "Hercules", chrysanthemum korean (multiflora group) "Harmoniya" and "Daphna") was performed on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with different auxin and cytokinin growth regulators. Agar and potato starch at different concentrations were used as a medium amendment. The combination of 4.0 gr/l agar and 20.0 gr/l starch has been found to be very effective. The addition of antibiotic (amoxicillin) to the culture medium at the micropropagation stage prevented contamination of regenerants and improved their growth.

Keywords: Cherry; raspberry; chrysanthemum Korean; tissue culture; potato starch; antibiotic; multiplication

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