Effect Of Seeding Rate, Sowing Time And Mineral Nutrition Regime On Spring Wheat Productivity In The Northern Steppe Of Ukraine


A. D. Gyrka, I. O. Kulyk

We investigated the effect of seeding rate and nutrition regime on the growth and development of spring wheat plants on different seeding dates. By monitoring the growth and development of spring wheat we determined that increasing of stand density of crops up to 6 million/ha contributed to better growth, but the worst development of plants. Due to higher moisturizing, the effect of fertilizers on biometric indicators of spring wheat was stronger, than the seeding of culture in the first period. The root system and aboveground part of plants on the background of N40P20K20 was more developed than in control variants. It is established that the seeding rate of 5.0 million/ha is optimal for sowing in the first period with fertilizing by N40P20K20 the seeding rate up to 6 million/ha was optimal for the second period – with increasing seeding rate to 6 million pcs./ha. These options provide the yield of spring wheat in the Northern Steppe at 2.04 and 1.97 t/ha, respectively. The use of fertilizers has ensured the increase in all seeding rate at 0,41-0,45 t/ha at the first period and 0,44-0,52 t/ha at the second seeding time compared with the control yields


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