Effect of fertilizer application schemes on wheat production. The case of Altai Krai
V.I. Belyaev, D.V. Dubinin, S.A. Ivanov, V.N. Chernyshkov, L.V. Sokolova A.V. Matsyura
Increasing of crop yields mainly caused by modern technology, use of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products. Therefore, developing of zonal agricultural technologies will ensure the rational use of soil agroclimatic potential and increase grain production profitability. Because of economic needs, the broad use of mineral fertilizers, including liquids with minor nutrient elements was applied in Altai Krai. Therefore, the justification of doses and sorts of fertilizers and minor nutrient elements is especially relevant here. The aim of our study was to increase the efficiency of granular and liquid mineral fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat in the steppe zone of Altai Krai. The experiment was done in LLC “Russia” in Novichikhinsky district of Altai Krai. We presents seven fertilizer variants for cultivating the spring wheat using the No-Till technology in the steppe zone of Altai region. We also assessed the quality of sowing, soil water regime, yield structure and grain quality, and presented the general patterns of crop formation and technical and economic evaluation of these fertilizer variants.
Key words: mineral fertilizers, No-Till technology, spring wheat, sowing quality, soil water regime, yield structure, grain quality, economic efficiency
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