Economic and Energy Efficiency of Forming and Using Legume-Cereal Grass Stands Depending on Fertilizers
U.M. Karbivska, V.G. Kurgak, V.F. Kaminskyi, A.O. Butenko*, G.A. Davydenko, O.B. Viunenko, S.M. Vyhaniailo and S.V. Khomenko
The economic and energy efficiency of growing legume-cereal grass stands depending on fertilizers has been studied. The research results have revealed that cultivation of perennial legume-cereal grass stands without mineral fertilizers in the Carpathian region possesses the following features: the net profit totals 11.1-21.9 thousand UAH/ha, the level of profitability is 151-210%, the prime cost of 1 ton of feed units makes 1.6-2.0 thousand UAH, BEK is 2.8-3.7 GJ/ha, KEE is 6.4-8.5 GJ/ha, energy costs per 1 ton of feed units account for 3.1-4.3 GJ. Cultivation of bird's foot trefoil the companion sowings with cereals provides the highest indicators of economic and energy efficiency. Among the fertilizer options, the best cost-effectiveness options were with the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers at the rate of Р60К60.