Destruction Of Xenobiotics By Culture Filtrate From Xylotrophic Basidiomycetes
O. V. Fedotov
The article deals with the efficiency of pollutants biodegradation by xylotrophic basidiomycetes submerged cultures grown on standard glucose-peptone medium (GPM). The efficiency of pollutants biodegradation was determined by the model compound – dye Methyl Orange. The purpose of the work is screening of 19 species 81 strains xylotrophic basidiomycetes cultures on the indicator of the dye oxidative degradation efficiency and exploring the possibility of induction of this indicator by modifying the culture medium. The biodegradation efficiency was determined by following method. Assigned amount of culture filtrate (experiment) or medium (control) was added to the 0.001% solution of Methyl Orange in sodium acetate buffer. pH of the reaction mixture was 4.4 units. Samples were incubated at +40°C for 48 hours. Then pH of the reaction mixture was set up at 3.1 units using sodium acetate buffer and the optical density of solutions at a wavelength of 506 nm was measured. The efficiency of biodegradation was calculated by the difference of the optical density of control and experiment as a percentage. The most promising strains – F. velutipes F-1105, P. eryngii P-er, T. hirsuta Th-11 and D. quercina Dq-08 were selected. The composition of the glucose-peptone medium was modified for these strains by the introduction in the medium lignosulfonate, Tween 80, Kirk’s minerals solution and selecting the concentration of these components. According to the study for the purpose of pollutants degradation it is advisable to cultivate F. velutipes F-1105 strain on modified GPM, which further comprises at 1 l: lignosulfonate – 3.5 g; Tween 80 – 1.0 g, Kirk’s minerals solution – 70 ml; P. eryngii P-er strain – 5.0 g, 1.0 g, 70 ml; T. hirsuta Th-11 strain – 5.0 g, 1.0 g, 105 ml; and D. quercina Dq-08 strain – 6.5 g, 1.0 g, 105 ml, respectively. This allowed to increase the model compound degradation efficiency by the culture filtrate of strain F. velutipes F-1105 in 9,3; D. quercina Dq-08 – in 9,6; P. eryngii P-er – in 13,3 and T. hirsuta Th-11 – 19,2 times. Thus, GPS modifications were designed that enhance the model compound oxidative degradation efficiency and are the basis for further optimization of the selected xylotrophic basidiomycetes strains submerged cultivation conditions to increase biodegradation of xenobiotics.