Correction of indicators of erythrocytopoesis and microelement blood levels in cows under conditions of technogenic pollution


L.G. Slivinska*, A.R. Shcherbatyy, B.O. Lukashchuk, H.O. Zinko, B.V. Gutyj, M.G. Lychuk, B.O. Chernushkin, M.I. Leno, O.I. Prystupa, K.Y. Leskiv, O.I. Slepokura, O.I. Sobolev, O.I. Shkromada, O.S. Kysterna and O.V. Musiienko

This article presents the results of cows examination under condition of technogenic pollution. It was established that erythrocytes blood levels in cows from farms, located in the zone of technogenic pollution were significantly lowel (P<0.001) comparing to control group. Hemoglobin blood concentration in experimental cows was low (72.5 ± 1.74 g/l) in comparison with control group (95.2 ± 1.87 g/l). The hematocrit value ranged from 0.23 to 0.28 l/l and was less than normal (0.35 l/l). The content of "old" erythrocytes, which actively participate in the processes of oxygenation, increases (P<0.01) in the blood of experimental group cows compared with control. The content of "young" forms decreases (P<0.001) is one of the indicators of intensity erythrocytopoiesis. Cobalt blood levels in experimental cows was 1.5 times lowel (0.28 ± 0.008 µmol/l) than in experimetae the control group (0.41 ± 0.016 µmol/l). The maximum content of cobalt in the blood of cows reached the minimum limit (0.50 µmol/l). A negative correlation between the content of cobalt and cadmium was established (r=- 0.545 and-0.550). Administration of «Microlact» to animals, wich contains organic compounds (lactate) of microelements increased cobalt (2.3 times) and copper (33.6%) blood levels, hemoglobin content, hematocrit value, MCHC and reduced clinical symptoms of anemia in cows.

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